
Wednesday, February 23, 2011



Dawn Boyle  

The children have been home on February break since Friday....I swore once that I would never go through another winter break without going away, I lied.

A few months ago while figuring what to get my in-laws for the holidays,we decided that we would go away together and skip presents. It started out with us hitting Florida for a few days. Getting a house on the beach, swimming all day and bbq'n every night. It was going to be perfect. I was going to find a house, get the flights, rent a car and set everyone up with a very in-expensive get away.

Was I wrong, airline tickets to travel during winter break was going to cost us two mortgage payments and a house on the ocean would be another. Thinking about it....did I really want to spend my "vacation" cooking and cleaning someone else's house?

We contacted a travel agent and were told that it is one of the most expensive times to travel. How could they do that? They know parents and teachers can only travel during those times, why do they jack the prices so far out of reach? How do people actually get to go away and enjoy family vacations without breaking the bank?

We really searched trying to figure out what the best place would be for all of us, but most of all a place where the kids would be happy. If the kids are happy = everyone is happy. The only way we could afford it was with pulling the kids out of school next week for two days. It was the only way we could afford this vacation. The prices were actually thousands less traveling just one week later. We are going tropical and doing an all inclusive, everyone wins! The dog is going to his spend the weekend with his cousin Zach, the house will be taken care of by my house sitter and I can now spend the next week trying to figure out how to pack for four in only carry-ons!

Works out pretty good. This week we have been running around getting ready for the trip. The kids are being reminded that the prize we be being able to swim in turquoise water next week! I am so ready to get out of this snow and cold, I would be willing to walk to Jamaica if I had to! Below is a little music to get me in the mood......enjoy!



  1. My daughter and I have been sick this week. What a great vacation!! Woo Hoo!!!

  2. I hear ya, and I work FT! Enjoy your vaca...and a margarita or two for me!

  3. Loving the blog! I have been reading on my phone but needed an actual computer to leave a comment..
    What a great mix of stories, ideas and personalities. And this is one of my favorite pics of you dmk (aka Sandra Dee(!) Much success to you all.. xo

  4. I have been reading and loving the blog (from my phone)- trying to leave comments.. hope this works!
    What a great mix of stories, ideas and personalities! Wishing you ladies much success! And i love this pic of you dmk (aka Sandra Dee).. xo

  5. Dawn -come on down the weather's warm! ;) And, did you get that MiFi for your trip???? LOL

    Wayne & Niki - as the other half of the dynamic duo - THANKS for the praise!

    Wish I was frustrated with the kiddos being home - no winter break in my neck of the woods. Grass is always greener..... , lol, and yes it is here - literally, expected high today is 83.

  6. women drive us crazy...February 24, 2011 at 2:34 PM

    Sounds like a vacation for you, not the kids. Why would young kids want to go to Jamaica??? Kids want to run around, play with other kids, cold or not. And now they'll miss 2 school days because you need to get away? That's ridiculous! I bet your husband wants to stay put, that's for sure! And to spend all that money to be on a beach? It'll be 60s and beautiful in a month. Spend spend spend. Jobless, spoiled women love to spend their husband's money. Get a job. I wonder if you'll post this, probably not. But I speak for most men, trust me. You want a blog where people talk real? This is real!

  7. Might want to re-read the post - this trip was in lieu of Christmas presents. We decided to go on vacation with my husbands entire family, and give the kids something more then any gift would provide.

    This blog speaks truths and will always post whatever comments are left as long as they are rated PG13 as stated previously.

    As for your Jobless, Spoiled Women comment - perhaps they would like to comment here....ANYONE???? Might be difficult to find as all of the women I know (myself included)do not fall into that category....good luck with the search!

  8. Well I guess we found out who lost their phone at the gym Tony.

  9. So what do you do? Is this your job? Writing, to me, nonsense.

  10. keeps you coming back and I guess I am doing my job ;)

    I work for an Adjustment Company...if you really need to know "Anonymous".

  11. I find your blogs boring.

  12. But, you're new at this. I'm sure you'll get better. You should check out my blog some time. Tomorrow's topic weather related again??

  13. - A lesson I learned a while back, if you are bored, move on! You can waste a lot of time waiting for things to get better or meet your expectations as well as squandering energy and time better spent elsewhere then waiting for "promises" to be kept. In my experience - you'll only wind up disappointed!

    - By all means share the URL to your blog... so we can all see!

  14. Seriously????? this is nonesense talk ok I don't like to get into childish squabbles I have enough of those when I volunteer at my children's elmentary school(and before you start I have many really jobs as well). But I think what Dawn and Barb do here is wonderful for some of us. And Anyomous (more like any other mouse to me)if you don't think her husband won't enjoy that trip he certainly has a right to stay the home and work and as for her children unless you know them personally and heard they are so whining about a trip away were they get their parents full attention instead home where life can get crazy at home 24/7, i wouldn't go there. So seriously?? The writing here is fine so don't be hating the players just take your game elsewhere. Oh! I would luv to know your blog site as well too Anyomous.
