
Friday, February 25, 2011


Dawn Boyle

A true friend doesn't care when you're broke, being a witch, what you weigh, if your house is a mess, what you drive, about your past, or if your family is filled with CRAZY people. Your conversations pick up where they left off, even if they have been months or longer, apart. They love you for who you are.

A few days ago a friend had this on their FaceBook wall. I saw it and it stopped me dead in my tracks, not because I hadn't seen it before, but for that moment it hit I a true friend? Do I have true friends?
The past year my life has completely changed. I found out that I do have some true friends and I also found out that I do not. I believe in the saying, "better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all". I feel this is true not only with lovers, but with people who come into our lives as "friends" even if there for a fleeting moment, it's better to have loved and lost.

In my everyday life, I fight to keep my marriage happy, fight to make sure my kids turn into good people, should I have to fight to keep a friendship going? 

I try to treat my friends the same way I would want to be treated. I would go to bat for anyone I care about and those people who I am friends with know this is a fact. My true friends do the same for me. Although I have a number of friends, finding out who my true friends are has made me realize that being a friend takes no effort. True friends do not require high maintenance, friendship works when it's real.

Take time today to give a call to one of your "True Friends" it puts a smile in your heart knowing you have someone who's got your back, no matter what!



  1. Love this!!! First one I have read.

  2. Dawn this may be your best post yet.
    You've been there for me when I needed you. You're a true friend to me!!

  3. You had me at hello <3.

  4. Dawn, I might not be your true friend yet but you certainly are a new friend that I would love to hang with sometime. Very nice post.

    As far as my true friend even though we are miles away we check in with each other daily and if not we know there is a problem (which usually gets resolved ASAP). My true friend I got her back , her front and whatever else she wants me to get. She is more family to me then those relate by blood and I hope she knows that.

  5. thanks everyone!!! @ Patty - I really <3 her too!

  6. Great post!! Anyone to have you as a friend is blessed!! :-)

  7. This is so true, Dawn!!! Friends are one of the most valuable and precious parts of our lives. I love my friends and know what a blessing they are!!! I have had some difficult times in my life that I would not have gotten through without them and some great times that were even better because I had them to share it with!! It is so important to treat people the way you would want to be treated but true friends know and understand that sometimes we all fall a little short of that. One thing I know about you, Dawn, is that you stick up for and stand strong for your friends and those you believe in and I have a lot of respect for that. I am sure that they all know just how lucky they are!!! Keep up the great posts!!!!

  8. Thanks AM! I think you are an awesome person!! Very lucky to have you in my life!

  9. This is my favorite post so far <3 <3 <3
    True friends are very rare so cherish them if you have them..And BE a true friend or don't be one at all! xo

  10. awesome post Dawn and how true it my mother always told me..."it is better to have a few true friends than 100 "good for now friends". These are words that I will always remember and pass on to my girls. Although I only know you for a short time - I believe that you have all the qualities of being a "true friend"!

  11. @ Nikki & Tracey...<3 you both! Thanks for the awesome comments!! Both SOOO true!!!

  12. Friends are amazing and the ones that last a lifetime are priceless. All are blessings, some for moments, if you are lucky some forever. Then there's that rare occurrence that can happen before you even meet someone you connect - kindred spirits - who just click. You gotta love when it happens that way! ;)
    <3 <3 <3 that our paths crossed and we became friends!

  13. I agree Barbara - a silver lining in a very dark cloud....crossed paths :)

  14. I have seen, first hand, what a broken friendship can do to a person. It's awful when it comes to an end.... Everything happens for a move on, muster up your inner strength, and focus your energy into the ones that matter.

  15. This was worth going back to look at. Great post.
