
Friday, February 25, 2011


Tony Walker

Today's post by Boyle got me thinking about my friends. Like her, I've had some major changes with some of my relationships in the past year so I've been reevaluating my friends a lot lately.
Some people think Facebook sucks, others think it's wonderful. My vote depends upon what mood you catch me in but there is one thing about Facebook that I love: I love how it brought me back to so many friends!

So many people say, "If I wanted to keep in touch with these people I would have. I don't need Facebook." While I understand that point that is not how I see it. I lost touch with many people just because of marriage, work, kids.... life! Now I've reconnected with so many friends where I find myself wondering how I lost touch with them in the first place.
What amazes me the most are my friends from high school who graduated around the same time as I did, the late eighties. I've been able to hold conversations & make jokes with these friends like no time has past. It blows me away that we've now spent more time apart than we spent together yet we have some unbreakable bond where we all know each other so well. Prior to Facebook I only kept in steady touch with 4 people from the old days & really did not think about those times all that often. Now I see a lot of old friends on a semi regular basis & I'm loving every minute of it! Being a part of the Lounge is from Boyle & I reconnecting! Just this morning, my old pal Brian & I were cast in an episode of a show on True TV because they liked a video submission we sent in. Brian is at the top of the list of people who I can't believe I lost touch with. He is like a brother to me!! Crazy stuff!
So thank you to all of my friends for being my friend!!



  1. Mr. Walker I am proud to call you my friend. You are one of the most genuine people I know.

  2. ALways good to widen your circle of friends... so glad our paths have crossed! :)

  3. I couldn't agree more. I've made contact with so many friends from the past! It's great catching up and reminiscing over the"old days"!
