
Thursday, February 24, 2011


Tony Walker

What a way to spend a week. On Monday it started with the chills, my poor daughter is sick too. Now my daughter is demanding more time off from school when she is better, so she can enjoy herself like other kids on winter break. Sorry, but it doesn't work that way. My girl will be very upset with me if I don't pull her out of school to enjoy herself. You may be thinking at this point that my daughter is a brat, no - my little girl is Autistic. She does not understand the repercussions of me pulling her out of school, she doesn't understand the repercussions of most things.

The Lounge's target audience are people in their late 30's and up, so I'm sure a good percentage of our readers have some connection to a child or adult with Autism. My daughter will be 12 in three weeks. I find myself asking where the time went. Realizing how fast time is going is really scary. She turned 12 so fast,  and in no time at all she will be 18 and graduating high school.
What the hell do we do then?? Will she be able to get a job? I'm not knocking places like the fast food joints who hire people with learning exceptionalities to clean the tables. However I don't think my daughter will be happy with a that kind of job. I want her to do something she will enjoy. There are colleges for Autistic children, hopefully we can afford one, so my girl can go to school and find a way to do something she loves.

There is an interesting movie that is out now called "Wretches & Jabberers". It's about two grown men with severe Autism and how they communicate. It is really an interesting and moving story.

Tell us about your experiences with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and please comment below.

I guess I find it easier to write serious when I am sick. I hope this goes away soon so I can get back to my comedic, perverted self!




  1. Tony as you know I am a proud mother of 2 boys Parker who is 8 & has ASD & Hank who is 6 who is typical . As we move forward the more scared I get Parker is 8 & now showing signs of regression. Things are not getting easier as i had hoped but are getting harder. I fear High School & the cruelty of kids who can't understand Parker. I am also worried about Hank who bears a heavy burden by being Parkers protector. You posted some good books I love the book 10 things .... & although I don't believe in Jenny McCarthys thoughts on Autism she does have some great ideas ! Keep the Blogs coming & maybe some day people will get it & understand how hard life is for our children & that even the simple things they take for granted are long hard struggles for our ours!

  2. Kim...I beleive it is up to "us" as parents to teach our children kindness.

  3. I agree Dawn however i am sad to say there are few parents out there who care enough to do so. I wish more people where like you! I see how parents allow there kids to miss treat others on the playground simply because they are to lazy to get up or stop chatting to do so! Keep up the go work. The right way isn't always the easy way. & Keep the Blogs coming!

  4. cheers to a better future!!! Thanks for your positive comments about the blog...are much appreciated!!

  5. Wow, I don't know what to say. You are all so brave and life is so hard sometimes. Tony and Kim your children are truley blessed to have such caring and wonderful parents and you are truely blessed to have your wonderful children. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. Pardon my delay in posting a comment. You caught me off guard in two ways. The first being never having been exposed to your serious side and the second that your post strikes a personal chord. The concerns and trials that you and Kim speak of, I too know first hand. My eldest son is has ASD. I do believe in may ways we fear more and worry more for kids like ours as the world can be abrasive. Ignorance abounds and parents, as well as other adults, teach it to kids. Both by what they say and do and by what they don't say and do. I do think we also celebrate the milestones more too as they come with greater struggle and anticipation. If you are lucky you have friends and family who are supportive, and understanding of your kids --- when you kids are special and you still have those people in your life it's amazing. Parents of special needs kids share a bond - we just get it. We live it. So my prayers to you both! May you always have the strength to be your child's advocate & hero.
