
Saturday, February 26, 2011


Jennifer Copp

I was hit with a midlife crisis, not by choice. It was actually handed to me on a silver platter. I then had to decide what I wanted to do with it. My decision was that I wanted to move home. I was away more than I care to admit now.

Instead of looking back and writing a long drawn out story, I choose only to look ahead. I have 3 amazing kids that I can happily say are all ME, they walk like me, talk like me and laugh like me. They give me the courage to get out of bed and forge ahead. For that, I will always do what I have to do so that they can have a role model that teaches them they can do anything they want in life.
Once I was living back in New York. I had this amazing feeling, what did I want to be when I grew up ? I applied at a bank, a restaurant, I asked friends if they needed help. I thought to myself , whatever I am meant to do will just happen.

So I find myself now being a realtor, a sales rep for Social Media, a sales rep for children's merchandise and I own a candy company called Just Sweets. All of these career choices are in the beginning stages and I know I can be great at anything I do. I have chosen things that fit me and all work together. My desire to be challenged is what drives me, I never say never In anything I do. I am a YES girl! Can you get that for me Jennifer ??? YES I CAN!! I am thinking outside of the box to find things that will work in this economy. I have watched many businesses fail from lack of sales and the desire or lack of money to even update their business in order to compete anymore. I am looking for products that sell and have different price points. It is a fun challenge and I have a great family and friends helping me as I find my way. I hope for an improved economy but until then ... I will do WHATEVER IT TAKES!!!


  1. I am sure everything will work out for you and your kids! Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks Anonymous ... I can only hope !!

  3. LOVE this post!!
    Jennifer is one inspiring woman!!!

  4. You will make out totaly fine; your a strong great person. You might be a YES person but you won't take NO for an answer...c ya soon!

  5. Thanks Tony !!! YOU ROCK !! Where's the couch ?? HA
