
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Barbara Ward-Finneran

It's no secret that the busier you get in your life the more your "night's" sleep suffers.  So often even when exhausted and ready to call it a night, you can't get your mind to turn off.  Or, you are so sleep deprived that dozing off isn't the problem.  It's practically instantaneous if you hold still for more then ten seconds.  But then, something wakes you during the night.  It doesn't even matter what it is but now you are awake and tossing and turning.  Mind racing stuck in a "think".  Stuck with the thoughts racing through your head like cars on  a LA freeway. Stuck with stress whether awake or trying to sleep. It's a wicked cycle.  You need  more sleep to be more productive and yet being more productive creates stresses that disrupt sleep.

You don't have to be a genius to figure out that lack of shut eye can have negative effects on your health.  The question therein is, how does one balance all that needs to be done and still get enough sleep to ward off the laundry list of negative side effects of a sleep deficit like; weight gain, memory loss, mood swings, increased risk for heart disease, etc... the list goes on and on.

Scoring the right amount of sleep is crucial to your well being.  It refreshes the mind and is essential for good health.  Many studies recommend 7-8 hours of sleep for adults. In our hyper busy round the clock world is it any wonder that most of us don't hit that mark?  Is the key actually sleeping more or stressing less?

Since despite my best attempts I have yet to figure more hours into a day, so,  I hold out little hope for increased sleep anytime soon.  Then the key must be to get quality out of your quantity.  To reduce what's keeping you up at night. There is no quick fix.  However, there are ways to start.  And, there's no time like the present.  Find one way to reduce or counteract some of the stress in you life and start to turn things around.  Two things that have worked for me are exercise and writing.  Bizarre combination I know.  But, hey, it's working - at least for me.  Find what works for you! Use trial and error if needed. But do it.  Do something.  If you keep doing everything the same - nothing changes!

Exercise is known to produce endorphins and "burn off" stress - so add some into your day.  Make it as simple as an evening stroll.  There is also something very peaceful about the evening light - so work it - in more ways then one.

Minimize your worries by writing them.  I have rediscovered that allowing the concerns to escape my fingers to the keyboard and onto the screen or written on paper releases them from being trapped inside of me and reek all kinds of havoc on my mind, body and soul.  When you find yourself stressing about everything and anything, from finances to feeding friends at dinner on Saturday night jot down those nagging issues.  For a moment consider what you plan to do about them and jot that down too.  Empower yourself with some ideas for "fixing" the problem. You don't have to have all the answers just having a plan of action helps.

Mapping out the direction to take might just quiet your mind enough to help you rest easier, literally.  Exercise might tire you enough to help you slip into slumber land. Maybe your magical formula will be different.  But I dare you to find one and get the very best sleep in the time you do have so you wake up refreshed, healthier and happier.

Sweet Dreams...



  1. My doctor also told me that 1 hour before bed you should avoid illuminated screens (TV,Computer, video games). She also suggests that your bed should be only for sleeping, not reading or watching TV. This conditions the mind and body to associate sleep with bed. It's helped me quite a bit! Great post Barb!

  2. Thanks, Marion! That one hour thing is never gonna happen.... I do most of my writing late at night!

  3. Sexual activity is a good way to get some sleep...
    I mean having sex then going to sleep. Not sleep during sex!
