
Saturday, March 12, 2011



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I'd like to thank The Lounge for posting my Lunch Time Poll about unions.
This is an important topic to me. Unions & the fate of working class America is very scary. If you haven't seen the post go check it out. Please comment & keep the communication going.
One way to fight & help each other is communicating.
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On to today's post...

A tremendous honor was bestowed upon me this week. I've been asked to sponsor someone who is getting their Confirmation in June.

The confirmee (I know that's not a word!) is one of my oldest & closest friends. He is like a brother to me. When we were kids his mother had some issues with the Church which led to her pulling her sons out of religious instructions so my friend was never confirmed. He has decided to do it now because his kids have been going through religious instructions & he feels like a hypocrite telling them they must do this when he hasn't.

I grew up in a very strict Catholic household. As an adult I've had some issues with the Catholic Church. The whole Priest sex abuse scandal rocked me pretty good since a Priest attempted to play with me when I was 14. I lived with the guilt of knocking a Priest down for years even though that was my only option to get away. Thank God I did. Anyway, since the scandal came to light I decided not to be a practicing Catholic anymore. I still have Catholicism based beliefs, I just don't support the Catholic Church. So with that in mind I would never do what my friend is doing but of course I support him 1000% & will be there for him on his big day.

My question is this. Do you think getting confirmed for your kids sake is a good enough reason to get confirmed?

Also, getting off topic a little... what do you think of Churches whether it's Catholic or something else? There just seems to be so many different types of Churches these days. I don't remember so many when I was a kid. Do you think so many different denominations are needed? If so, why?

I look forward to your comments here.


  1. It's definately worth it to be a good example for your children! Good for him!

  2. I think it's admirable for a dad to want to be a role model for his children! I give him a lot of credit! I was also raised strict Catholic. I don't agree with every single thing, but no religion will be exactly what any person agrees with. I think that's why there's so many denominations, everyone trying to find what they want to believe! It just doesn't work that way! I like to think though the names are different, it's a;; the same God!
