
Thursday, March 17, 2011


Dawn Boyle

Today is St. Patrick's Day and EVERYONE else in the world is celebrating but me is seems. In years past I have done green beer lunches with the ladies and partied at friends houses. Everyone would bring over their own version of corn beef and cabbage and we would have a great time drinking and testing each others recipes.

Not this year. I just ordered a pizza. For the first time since 1970 I am not having the traditional St. Patrick's Day and I gotta tell ya, it sucks!

The kids have drama tonight, Sarah was in the hospital yesterday til 1 this morning and I never bought a damn corn beef. I was stuck in all day today with a kid who has to use crutches, but doesn't get the concept of them so I have been carrying her up and down the stairs of my split level home. For the record she is about 2 inches shy of me in height.

Soooo......all of you Irish Party People, enjoy and toss one back for your ole' pal Dawn O'Boyle. The only  good thing is that I will NOT have a hangover tomorrow!

AND...the reason why the title banner looks like crap is because my partner is whooping it up in will bug her and will be adjusted as soon as she gets off the next ride :) Hey Barb!


  1. Dawn, come on over. Your Sarah & me can have races on our crutches!

  2. there is no armpits are killing me!!!

  3. Leave the kids with Gregor and meet us at EB's. If I didn't work I would have made a corned beef for you! Poor Dawnie!

  4. I will make up for it over the weekend...that I am sure of!

  5. No corn beef or beer for me either.....Kids homework and activities and I went to the Gym instead!!! I'm sure I'll make up for it this weekend too!!

  6. what a bummer!!! I think we do a do over on May 17...what do you think?

  7. Celebrate St. Patty's Day next Friday at Sergios with Drop Dead Comedy!

  8. The header is fixed...
    O-town was amazing & I hung with our own Chocolate Queen, Patty B!

    That said - the luck of the Irish, left me on the way home - Just 15 minutes from home it all went to hell! My day tomorrow now involves Motor Vehicle - lucky, lucky me - NOT! You'll never believe this........ It happened to me AND, I DON'T BELIEVE IT!

  9. At least your not hosting a PTA meeting.
