
Monday, March 21, 2011


Dawn Boyle 

Yesterday I experienced something so bizarre, it actually made me scratch my head the rest of the day saying to myself  "did that really happen".

Greg and I were cleaning up after the party early yesterday. My kids were out with my parents at my nieces dance competition. The house wasn't bad, but the backyard was trashed, there were juice pouches all over the place. It looked like we had a kegger.

While we were outside cleaning some how my dog Patch aka Houdini escaped. My entire backyard is fenced, there is a dog run that we normally only let him use. He does not have full range of the back. I mentioned to Greg that I thought the dog escaped and grabbed the box of treats to find the escapee. I made it out my front door to only call him by name once when a rather angry woman parked across the street asked me if I was looking for a dog. I said yes. She told me to "stay right there", got into her car and pulled in front of my home. She got out of her car and started questioning me about my normal practices of allowing my dog to roam. I told her she had the wrong person. My dog is ALWAYS on lock down.
She then went on to question why he wasn't tagged properly. I responded that Houdini gets out of that collar and yes he is not only tagged but has a chip like LOJACK inside of him that we paid extra for. The entire time my dog is in the backseat of this woman's car being held hostage. I thanked her for her help and motioned for her to release the dog. She started yelling at me, was she going to have to call the town? Is this dog licensed? It's people like me that don't mind there animals and cause accidents on the was apparent this woman was off her rocker. I kept turning back to my house waiting for my husband to come out to see what the commotion was all about. He was a no show. I again thanked this woman, asked her to release my dog to me and tried to wrap up the conversation with this woman. I was given a warning that if she sees my dog roaming the streets again that she would report me. I had to promise her that I was going to Petco immediately to get him a proper collar that he can not remove.

I can't make this crap up.....this is really my life!


  1. That is definately one to scratch your head at. Bizzare

  2. I would have told her to mind her own business and go F herself, like she's never owned a pet that accidentally got loose. WTF is wrong with people.

  3. Why didn't you leave the dog in the car and RUN? You blew it!!!

  4. That's why I live in a "dog neighborhood". Everyone on my block has at least one dog,with the exception of one neighbor,and she's grateful for the protection that the dogs bring to our community.

  5. My very spoiled and loved Sheltie, Buddy, was once held hostage for 5 weeks by a person from "Sheltie Rescue" as they thought he was neglected - because he had no collar and a giant (fatty) tumor. (Which our vet recommended not to operate on due to his age.) It was beyond belief the hoops we jumped through to get our dog back! being too radical about anything is rarely a good thing.

  6. The woman drove past my house...slowing down twice today - she is stalking me and my dog! Freaking NUT!!!

  7. Smile & wave, Dawn, smile & wave!!!
