
Monday, March 7, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

I just adore David Tutera! Have you seen him on Sundays, changing tacky, low
budget wedding into the events that dreams are made of? He gets to know his brides,
maybe better than they know themselves. He calms their fears, teaches them to “dream
big” and to realize that they are worth while human beings who deserve to be happy. On
top of that he’s a sharp dresser and quite easy on the eyes!
I’ve been married for 22 years and I still remember all the special touches at my own wedding. The memories David builds for these women will last a lifetime! At this point in life, women my age and I are beginning to dream about our daughters weddings! Although I’m in no hurry to have my 21 year old get married, I love to think about what she’ll wear and where we might have her reception! How can I help it? No matter what channel I turn to there are bakers showing how they make amazing wedding cakes or tales of Platinum Weddings! Even Disney has gotten into the act with Disney Dream Wedding specials! I guess the days of punch and cake in the church hall are over! But surprisingly, I don’t mind!

Someday, I hope my “little princess” will marry the perfect man and have a magical,
memorable wedding to reflect on for the rest of her life. I want to see her dance with her
Dad and shove exquisite, designer cake in her husband’s mouth. I want all the single girls
to tackle each other to catch her stunning bouquet! I want everyone to be amazed at the
fabulous food, music and décor, and dance until dawn! But most of all, I want that day to
be the beginning of a lifetime of happiness for my daughter and the man she chooses to
spend her life with.

Oh, and I want David Tutera to plan it all!!!



  1. C'mon, you've got to love David if you've ever seen him!

  2. Really enjoyed this! David Tutera is popping up everywhere! Disney Dream Weddings, TV, and yesterday I saw that Joanne's Fabrics is introducing a whole new line of wedding things by David Tutera! The man gets around!

  3. I have wishes like that, too, although I fear the reality will be a Monday morning phone call where K rings me up and says, "Hey...we got married..."

  4. Thats all well and nice as long as some sponcer or TV show is footing the BILL $$$$$, I dont mind a simple church wedding and a gathering of some friends , but from I have been Forced to see of this guy, unless your name is Rockefeller, the Average working parents can not afford this lavishness for a one day party. and what he does is create the illusion that any girl can have this..... the fact is that some parents dont have the finances to give their child. this type of extravagance, This is not only upsetting for the Bride, but the Brides parents, who wish they could BUT CANT!

  5. Great post! Although I was lucky enough that my parents were able to foot the bill for my wedding, now a days everyone chips in...bride, brides family, groom and grooms family. Long gone are the days where Daddy pays for his little girls big day! With prices they way they are it takes a village :)
    Many friends have opted to "cash out" for the big day. Small intimate party and save the big bucks for a home purchase. No matter where the "party" is, as long as you keep focus on how it's about the marriage and not the "party" it will be the most magical day...that is as long as she is not marrying a schmuck!

  6. I must say, I wouldn't mind Tutera to plan my wedding (if it ever happens =P)

  7. To Anonymous: FYI, all the brides on My Fair Wedding are GIVEN their dream wedding. Sponsors foot the bill for couples who can't afford the wedding of their dreams.I do agree though, that most can't afford a lavish wedding. As I said, I have wonderful memories of my own wedding which was small and simple. Above all, as Dawn said, the important thing is the celebration of love and committment of the couple! Thanks for your input.

  8. had to add two more of my cents...when I got engaged...for the third time. I was so well versed on the Martha Stewart book Weddings that I knew exactly where I wanted to splurge and where I could cut back. Everyone's dream is different, and that dream should not be squashed by thinking that it will be too expensive. In fact here is an interesting wedding fact...ROSES are one of the more inexpensive flowers to use for the big day. I am filled with more usless info about wedding planning in prep it is frightening...I have been a bridesmaid 17 times :)

  9. I love Wedding Sundays when they have a David marathon! He's SOOOO cute!
