
Thursday, March 10, 2011


Dawn Boyle

I come from a large family as does my husband. I am Catholic and his parents are Greek Orthodox and Jewish. Needless to say we are a potpourri of back grounds and beliefs. There is one thing that we do share in both families and that is we all love a good party!

Whether it be a religious gathering or a birthday we party like Rock Stars. The next five months are ALWAYS our busiest. As of right now we are booked at least one night a weekend, we kick off this party season on Saturday night celebrating my cousin (who is more like a sister to me) daughter's Super Sweet Sixteen, mix in some Communions and go til mid July. Which is our daughter's birthday and our yearly summer party fully equipped with 14' Bonsai Slide, burgers, beers and beer pong!  You know your average kiddie house party :)

I am very lucky to have such a close family and that my children get to spend time with all of their relatives. So break out the wallet and put on your dancing shoes...IT'S PARTY SEASON!!!!


  1. :) it really is amazing how every year around this time we are booked every weekend! That slide sounds fun Dawn LOL See you Sat!!!

  2. so many fun's so exciting!
