
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Dawn Boyle

The new season of Dancing with the Stars is in full swing. I was never really a fan before this season, in fact I only watched when that Train Wreck Kate was on because I needed to witness the horror first hand. This season, two of my all time favorites from the 80's (best era ever) are center stage and I am sure  Kirstie Alley & Ralph Macchio will be in the final 3...KIRSTIE WINNER!

Today's Lunch Time Poll is

Who is your favorite on DWTS and who will win???
Who goes home tonight???

Los Angeles radio host,

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree with you more Dawn. Kirstie and Ralph are my favorites as well. To this day I still get goosebumps and remembering meeting Ralph Machio back on Long Island when my Mom was the the Manager of Lowes movie theater and getting his autograph (and yeah I still have the autograph as well...which my daughter thinks is so cool). :)
