
Saturday, March 26, 2011


Robert T. Rothschild, Jr.

My Experiences at Fort Golgotha

Having investigated this location on many occasions both day and night, I can safely say that the energy of the past is still present. I have heard footsteps crunching about on leaves in the fall and snow in the winter. We have seen an apparition of what we believe appeared to be a revolutionary soldier walking through the cemetery. I have captured "sprites" within the gates of the cemetery; a sprite is a light that streaks out across your field of view. They have an energetic glow and are able to be captured on video, yet not always seen with the naked eye.
Just recently, Eastern Suffolk Paranormal recently conducted an EVP session on the burial grounds. The night was chilly and snow blanketed the ground concealing many of the fallen headstones. After a series of questions, Jennifer Olenchak-Datko asked a question regarding whether there were still British soldiers remaining at the cemetery, at which point a male voice was captured saying "Respect!". We did not hear the voice at the time, which is why it is considered a Class A EVP; Class A being an EVP which is clearly able to be heard, and proven to be none of the participants in the EVP session. Had we heard it with our own ears, it would have been considered a disembodied voice. Either way, when you tread upon the grounds, you must respect the fact that you will encounter the energy which has scarred this hallowed ground. If you do not respect, they will surely make you aware!

Be sure to read: Robert's Historical Report About Fort Golgotha.


  1. Paranormal Lounge is one of the best things about DRL. I love the ghost stories (especially the one about not turning on the lights!) and the story about Cassadega. I always wanted to go there since I saw it on the travel channel. Keep up the good work.

  2. Glad you both are enjoying Paranormal Pub! Marion & You are not alone - these postings get big clicks. We hope you'll keep coming back for more!

    Robert are great and both have great points of view and experiences to share! We are proud to have them here at DRL!
