
Friday, March 11, 2011



Robert Thomas Rothschild

I am Robert Thomas Rothschild. A former machine gunner in the United States Marine Corps. I am currently a Paranormal Investigator and historian for Eastern Suffolk Paranormal, who seeks out places of urban legends, tales of terror and known locations of previous paranormal activity.

I seek to help souls who have yet to cross over with my empathic feelings.  A near death experience in 1994 led me to this field of study. I have been able to experience the pain of these lost troubled souls for many years I work to journal and capture evidence of reported Paranormal activities. No apparently disturbed dwelling it to big or too small, basements, crawlspaces and attics are my wheelhouse of expertise.

My first paranormal experience happened when I was performing on a stage in Brooklyn, for a acting coach in an empty theater. The coach was sitting in the balcony and I was performing the monologue to Dracula. About halfway through the monologue I forgot my lines.  Someone pushed the back of my head to help me regain my composure, yet no one stood on the stage with me, and thereafter I finished flawlessly. I am convinced that I was actually touched by my deceased cousin Larraine who had passed away a few weeks earlier.  She still comes to visit me to this day and yet she knows she is free to move on.  She is my guiding angel and I believe she will stay with me until we meet again.

Drifting in a sea of strangers... accepting all of life's dangers.... listening to disembodied voices... that's the life of a ghost hunter.  Visit the lounge as it gets haunted by entries of my eerie activities. It'll be enough to make paranormal lovers hair stand on end.

While you stay tuned for more of my journeys check out Ghost of St. Augustine



  1. Rob
    Welcome to the Lounge old friend!
    Abbott & Costello are sitting here with me. They say hi.

    Very excited to have you "haunting" the lounge.
    Looking forward to great things!!!

  3. so looking forward to this...did you ever investigate that bar out on Long Island???

  4. hey Tony, great to see your comment. Tell Bud and Lou I said hello as well. Barbara i look foward to sharing all my paranormal experiences with you all. Dawn I have investigated Katies bar many times and have helped its owner Brian land an episode on the Bio channel MY GHOST STORY.

  5. Glad to see you at the Lounge Robert! I'm looking forward to hearing about your many adventures with the paranormal!
