
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Dawn Boyle 

The clocks have been turned ahead. We have already broke the 70 degree mark last week here in the Northeast. Why is it that this winter just won't go? Living on the coast we have narrowly escaped most of the snow accumulation so far today, but you never know what Mother Nature has in store for later tonight. I am starting to think she is sending me a sign.

Weeks ago I swore I was going to start my get back into shape routine. I swore that I would drop at least ten pounds before I went away. That didn't happen. It is now only 65 days or 9 weeks til the unofficial kick off to summer, the Friday of Memorial Day weekend. Maybe I need help. Maybe if I had to check in with all of you weekly I would actually JUST DO IT.

So today I make a pledge. I will drop the ten pounds as I begin the first official Dawn Needs to get Serious Challenge. I will do at least 1 hour of activity a day. I will log all food intake each day and I will drink at least 8 glasses of water a day....who's with me?



  1. I am on an iodine free diet !! I was told by someone who did it they lost 18 lbs. It is really hard though. I feel like a crack addict around carbs

  2. Jennifer you can't throw around an 18lb weight loss without giving details...PUT UP!

  3. I am doing my thyroid scan next week and I have to be on an iodine free diet .. I know someone who did it and they lost 18lbs ..So no carbs, chicken,fish,chips,salt, dairy etc!!! I've eaten .. egg whites ,oatmeal,no salt peanut butter, and fruit !! I'm starving !! LOL

  4. Dawn sign me up. I won't food log (never have time to pee let alone journal my food But the 1hr of fitness is SO douable. I will motivate you (I've helped a loveable Skinnie Minnie thru this and she is kicking my tail daily on her fitness challenges), So lets ket this challenge ROCKIN MOVE IT MOVE IT MOVE IT!!!

  5. Do 8 cups of coffee or a Box of Joe count as water intake? :)

  6. I'm with you!!! One thing I like about winter is the big clothes!!!!

  7. Staying true to my's food log consists of:
    A bran muffin for breakfast
    bowl of chicken soup without noodles for lunch
    just had tomatoes for a snack
    I am totally high on caffine from all the coffee I am drinking and I am roasting a chicken for later. I will only have salad with it....


    So glad you guys are on board for the next 65 days!!!!! This is gonna be fun or funny - not sure which yet:)

  8. Hey Dawn, Maybe we should create a section called the 65 day Challenge. Where those interested can leave tips, tricks and brags or complaints on how well they are doing on this Smokin Hot Adventure. Glad your eating well but when are you fitting in the 1hr work-out? Don't wait till almost midnight (ummm like some others that do that its insane)

  9. I am pretty sure we can do that Patty....let me check with the late night workerouter :)

  10. I want to be in too. My food count for today - 1 large coffee, skim milk 1 splenda, 1 diet coke and a bunch of pretzels!

  11. the more the merrier! I am going to see if we can set up a daily check in...AND you can always be anonymous if you are shy!!!

  12. Watch those muffins...loaded with sugar and fat!

  13. is the log continued - yes anonymous I know all about those muffins! I actually only at the "top o the muffin" :)

    I did have a low fat yogurt, salad with roasted chicken (no skin) and broccoli Rabe. On my 3-8oz water in addition to MANY coffees today!!! WOO HOO!!!

    In my BEST Wendy Williams voice - HOW YOU DOIN?

  14. Went on the Tony Little Glider thing for over 1 hr, it says I burned 750 calories. Could that be right? Maybe that will help!

  15. I need a Tony Little Glider!!!

    Also...I had a bowl of cut strawberries and 1 small dill pickle :) Drank my 8!!!! WOO HOOO

  16. I am not touching Boyle needing a Tony Glider comment....

  17. I have been waiting Mr. Walker for some kind of comment :)
