
Sunday, March 27, 2011


Days 3 & 4 of the DAWN CHALLENGE

Dawn Boyle

So I promised I would log my food intake (as I sit here eating everything bagel pretzels with guacamole) and I will stick to my word.

I should start by saying this weekend has been pretty difficult. We celebrated my "baby" brother's 30th birthday last night and will again this evening...

Yesterday I started with egg whites on weight watchers flat bread with 1 slice of American Cheese. For lunch I had tomato salad and then I kinda of strayed from the plan. I had mozzarella sticks, salad, chicken parm and steak with mashed potatoes. I didn't do so good with the water. I substitute 8 - 8oz glasses with the equivalent in vodka.

This morning I had a egg burrito and that brings me to the pretzels with gauc. I will be doing a do over later today. There has been NO exercise....I will resume tomorrow!

How did you do the past two days??? Let me know!!


  1. Jump back into the plan as fast as you can, make the next meal a better choice! The pretzel and guac is not a bad thing, good fats in the guac, no nutritional value in pretzels but its not ho-ho's!!

    For me, today is way better than yesterday (can we say McDonalds!), so it's a give & take.

    Life if for the living, everything in moderation kiddo!!

  2. Well I was with you so you know that I was just as bad as you! Only think is it is 9:34 and I am getting on that Tony Little Glider for an hour or so........gotta work off some of the Absolute!

  3. Just get back on the horse ladies, back on the horse! Or in this cse, as Dot said, the Tony Glider

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. So hear you on the eating. For me its is an emmotional crutch for me and having those Girl Scout cookies in the house (no more worries though because they have now attached to my and staying fit is where I need to improve I can write the book on excuses. But I and Skinny Minnie agree when a day or a weekend or even a week go a off track just jump on the next train to Fits -ville. Jumping by the way is good cardio I highly recommend it too
