
Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Dawn Boyle

With oil reaching over $100 a barrel on the Stock Exchange from the turmoil in the Middle East, I wonder why the top news story is about Charlie Sheen having custody taken away of his twin boys and Christina Aguilera drunk in public. I am all about train wreck TV, but we are in SERIOUS TROUBLE!

If we don't make something happen, and soon, we will be in worse shape then this recession and horrible housing market already is. The jobless rate will soar higher. Why isn't our government stopping this from happening? What can be done?

I saw on ABC this morning that if every family made a conscious choice to only BUY AMERICAN and spend a mere $65 that we would be ahead by 200,000 jobs. Could that be possible?

It seems to me that we need to get back to basics. ONLY buy what we make. Bring back the pride of being American. SHAKE IT UP OUT THERE!!!! WE NEED ACTION NOW!!!

What should we do? What can we do? What MUST WE DO???
We must do something, or this ship will sink.  What's your evacuation plan? Thoughts? Actions? Do share.......


  1. Dawn I couldn't agree more. Well said.
    I personally don't like all this Union busting, people need to give back line of thinking either.
    The money & kickbacks the CEO's of today are getting are just ridiculous. We're the ones struggling to get by & we have to make concessions?
    I still can't even fathom why most people today have to pay for medical coverage! Why do people accept these conditions? Organize! Fight for what's right.
    Maybe the Government should give each & every one of us bailout money. If we received a lump sum bailout payment, we would spend it. Spending translates into jobs.
    I'm rambling. Sorry.

  2. It's a STINKING Sinking Ship all right. Don't mean to ruffle any feathers, but no one deserves a bailout, not us, not them, not the banks, not the poor, not the wealthy, not the ethnically challenged, need I go on? Stop all the crap. Unions are the not without fault, over paid, yes over paid idiots with impossible to sustain "packages"... and please why do i have to pay for anyone's coverage but my own? keep giving handouts, who will want to work when the only smart ones are those with out jobs sucking on the teat of society? And lastly, that is the problem, cause after the 'bailed out' spend their money on buying Japanese Plasma TV's and Ed Hardy tee shirts they will be broke again, vicious cycle. Seems regoddammdickulous...

  3. No apologies needed. It is good to have feelings about issues rather then just ignore them. Too often the majority sits back and lets the squeaky wheels get the oil. I'd bet dollars to donuts (if I had 'em!) that others out their share your "bail out" point of view!

  4. RGF...I agree! What do we do???

  5. Vote Conservative, not democrat, not republican, not liberal, not tea bagger, CONSERVATIVE... Call your representatives and demand to be heard, tell them you don't this crap to continue...
    HA if it were that easy! What to do? "IT", is bigger than you and I, maybe Walker did say something there... "Organize and fight for whats right", but not a union organization and not a fist fight... maybe just maybe if we all take stock in ourselves and see what we can change in our daily life, it may just catch on... turn the lights off, don't let the car run idol, turn down the thermostat and the AC, buy American, Say NO to the frivolous, and YES to watching our own backs... Start Being Americans again, remember 911, remember how we felt that day and the days after... think about how f'd up we would have been if GORE was President when this all happened, think about those brave men and Women that VOLUNTEERED to join and fight for us...
    Ha Talk about rambling incoherent mumbo jumbo... what does it all mean, the future starts with me and you, the only change we can believe in is us...

  6. wow...RGF has my vote! I am making a deal with myself - no bitching about what goes on without getting involved with how it is going on! It starts with ME! Thanks for the awesome comment!!! Keep em coming!

  7. It seems many of us feel the same way, but few of us take action. I agree NOW is the time. Dawn is correct - buy "Made or Grown in America", support small businesses, get back to basics! RGF is right- forget political parties, vote conservative and live conservatively! We all know what to do, now let's get out there and DO it!

  8. woo hoo!!!! Starting a movement right here in DLR!!! LOVE IT!

  9. Buy American??? You're kidding? That's your solution?
    Your 14 followers will not change the most self indulgent country in the world.

    Charlie sheen gets top news cuz that's what sells. Youre writing nothing new. Soldiers are killed everyday, does anyone care? No. Is it reported on? No!

    So stop trying to save the country. Smarter people with louder voices have tried this long ago......

  10. welcome back anonymous...your po po attitude is the reason why change doesn't happen.

    Sitting on a high horse talking about what you would do is alot easier then doing it.

  11. i admire your enthusiasm.

    So you're saying we're in deep shit with the turmoil in the mideast. We are. So we shouldn't consume as much oil/gas yes? As a nation, united? It's a pipe dream, but everyone has to be on board right?

    I say we start with the overindulgent snobs who spends hundreds on gas frivolously on their damn boats!!!

  12. I think it's easy to hide behind "anonymous"...everyone leaves a foot print. My 2-3 months of weekend boat use, takes away from driving the two cars that my family has and whomever we invite - I am actually helping instead of hurting.

    Look within yourself before pointing fingers.

  13. Right, keep telling yourself that - that you're helping the crisis by USING YOUR BOAT, hahahaha.

    Think before blogging that "we" must change.

    I dont have to look within myself, i'm not looking to change. You are trying to convince others to change. Why dont you start with yourself....

    YOU LOOK within yourself before pointing fingers. Try leading by example.

    Using automobiles is a necessity. Thanks for contributing to the oil crisis with your boat. Hypocrite!

  14. might stop pointing fingers.

    I can't thank you enough for the banter...really :)

    I think that baby steps is how to make change AND...a weekend with 3 or 4 vehicles not in use would be better then nothing. You said you were doing nothing to help this...right? Yes, so my little help is better then your ZERO help!

  15. Can't have an intelligent conversation with a nit who thinks spending 3-400 bucks for a "spin" is helping. You are delusional and ignorant. But I already knew that. See ya.

  16. HA! I think we spent $300 the entire season.

    Jealousy is ugly. MOVE ON!!!

  17. Ironic, Mr. Anonymous... I have seen no attempts at intelligent conversation. Only the mud slinging and insults of someone who obviously actually knows Dawn (since you first mentioned her boat) and seems have an ax to grind. Intelligent conversation would require some honest communication. Rather you share only dysfunctional commentary, behind an anonymous alias, aimed to be hurtful and evoke emotion. If you want intelligent conversation, kindly just begin one. Lots of us here would be glad to get on board! I personally invite you to begin one....

    If not, feel free, to continue the mindless banter - if nothing else - it's good for clicks! :)

  18. All i want to know is .. When can I come on your Boat ???? woo hoo

  19. @ Barbara...thanks for always having my's odd that Anonymous has such a hard on for me!

    @ Jenn...of course you can come on the boat! The more people on the boat the more gas we are saving!!!

  20. see its tools like the big A that define SMUG... the point we were trying to make was that we know it is an almost impossible task, but we are willing to continue the fight... no true American throws in the towel, you have... pitiful... now get the fuck out of the way and let us go out on Dawn's boat, i will row...inglynam


  22. You may want to stay home, you don't want the boat to sink....

  23. Sink???? My giant gas guzzling snob boat??? Never!

  24. AWE I see Anyomous came back yeah I agree with Barb why the personal attacks at Dawn hmmmmmm. To be any other mouse also known as Anyomous you certainly take pride in bashing her thoughts when all your doing is... well look in the mirror and then you will see for yourself it can't be too pretty.
