
Monday, March 28, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

“A rant is a speech or text that does not present a calm argument; rather, it is typically an enthusiastic speech or talk or lecture on an idea, a person or an institution.  Rants can be based on partial fact or may be entirely factual but written in a comedic/satirical form. Rants can also be used in the defense of an individual, idea or organization. Rants of this type generally occur after the subject has been attacked by another individual or group.”  (

This is the Wikipedia definition of a rant. Please notice that it does not say “it is required that you use a great deal of profanity”. Also please note that a rant must be based, at least partially, on FACT. I point this out because I’m tired of reading “rants” in magazines and on the internet (in places other than DRL of course) that feel it necessary to use every four letter word in the book and base their opinion on hearsay. (What ever happened to objective reporting by the way? Must EVERY article be a rant?) I’d love to read an article that presents all the facts of a situation and lets me make up my own mind or form my own opinion. What a novel idea!

I am totally in favor of free speech and freedom of the press, but please don’t insult my intelligence by trying to influence my views by slinging what you should be using to fertilize your garden! Let’s start demanding that people who wish to write persuasive articles get their facts right and their ducks in a row. Stop reinforcing the “dumbing down” of America (or anywhere else for that matter) by giving credence to rants not backed up by truth. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, I’m the first to defend that right, but an opinion should be formed only after looking at the facts, weighing the arguments, both pro and con, and using the God given gift of common sense before trying to convince the world of your views! Yes, make it funny: make it sarcastic: even make it angry if you choose, but make your mother proud and show that you have a decent vocabulary and have taken at least a minute or two to think before you rant!


  1. WHOOOO HOOOO Nicely stated Marion (luv they the reference too about your Moms and as most Moms have taught their children if you have nothing nice to say or appropriate to say...say nothing ). Why as adults we forget this is beyond comprehension.

  2. I'm sick of the cussing too! I can't even take my kids to the supermarket without someone cursing at the checkout person or someone else! My kids don't need to learn the "F" word at 3 and 5 years old, thank you very much! I'd like to pepper spray every one who cusses in front of kids!

  3. Glad to see your post Marion.I was getting worried when we didn't hear from you in a couple of days. I agree, stop the @#$%ing cursing!

  4. I wish more people would take your advice! I'm sick of hearing people rant about some pretty insignificant stuff when people like Jenn are worried about cancer, and her writing is still so upbeat and positive. Your post about your son was not a rant but a prayer for help and advice, and followed by a post with real positive attitude. I have to say, you people at DRL are an awesome bunch. (Hey, keep the ghost stories coming. I read them to my family and we all love them.)

  5. Patriot 1 -

    We are so glad you are hanging here at the lounge! Thanks for your support of our crew and our work! We adore them - it's great to know others do to! Thanks for taking the time to say so - it's very much appreciated!

    -Barbara & Dawn
