
Thursday, March 24, 2011

THIRD TIME... Please let it be the "charm"!


Next week will start what is hopefully my last round of tests for my thyroid cancer.

I go three days in a row and get a shot.  On the last day I get a full body scan. I have done this two other times in the past two years  and have walked out with the result that the cancer was still there. They say it should never go more than two times with that result.

So I am hoping for a negative outcome this time around! And then I can move on with my life. If not I will deal. Like I have with all other things in my life and be strong. From this cancer prognosis and the failing of a marriage, which happened at the same time, I have forged ahead. I have found myself and the direction I want my life to be in. It has given me a sense that this is my life and I need to live it! I can no longer accept things in my life that I once did. Life is to short.

Cancer has brought me some amazing friends. I have a friend, "no name". When this person found out what I was going through they were there for me every step of the way. Since, "No Name", had been through the same exact thing. As each appointment came up. I heard what to expect and I was told I would be fine. I got messages, from "No Name",  asking me if I was okay. Hang in there they said. To this day we are still great friends. To complete these tests I have to be on a iodine free diet for 2 weeks.  Having been on a no iodine diet for 2 weeks, "No Name", told me that when they did that, they lost 18 pounds. WOW! That is, like, music to my ears. Could there really be this positive in my negative?!  And, to think just in time for beach season! Who is better than me! This diet is pretty hard to do I have to say, but I am worth it !!!!

Jenn's Websites - Check them out!



  1. You are an inspiration Jenn. I'll be praying for a negative result.Thanks for sharing and showing such courage and strength.

  2. Many prayers and good vibes your way! Keep the faith, your positive attitude and courage with you at all times! Great Post!

  3. You are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing, JK

  4. Jenn...fingers crossed for a negative test. You are bad ass!

  5. Yes Jenn.... you definitely are worth it!!

    From one cancer survivor to another... all the best next week!

  6. One day I may realize how strong I was through this all and the actual impact it had on my life in many areas .. Sometimes I think I hit 40 and went thru a midlife crisis and some days I say no ..It is the cancer !! Either way I will find peace with the ocean , A smile from the beautiful blue sky and lots of laughs with my kids !!!

  7. Awe Jenn ....I will keep you in our prayers and I am so glad you found this place in your life to not settle and expect only positive and supportive love....I am with you girlfriend!xoxo caro

  8. Caro , I've come a long way since my trip to buffalo !! LOL !! Now come visit I miss you
