
Thursday, March 3, 2011


Tony Walker

Almost everyone has a connection to someone with autism whether it's a family member or the family member of a close friend. For me it's my little girl Sami.
Sami will be 12 in a week and a half. She is very high functioning for someone with autism so the past 2 years or so Sami's become aware that she is different from most of the other kids around her. Recently we introduced the word autistic to her.  Now she's so curious about that word.  About a month ago I came across an ad in Newsday about a movie that was playing at the Huntington Arts Cinema called "Wretches & Jabberers".  It's about two men.  One in his 40's the other in his 50's, and they are both autistic. I decided to take Sami to see this movie.

We loved the movie! An unexpected bonus was that the men in the movie were there taking questions & talking to people. While Sami may never tell me, I think she learned a lot and appreciated the movie.

If you have any interest in Autism I cannot stress enough how important it is for you to see this movie. Without giving away too much of the plot, it's basically about how these men have just as much to offer to the world as any "typical" person. The movie will make you cry, make you laugh, maybe even scare you, but it will definitely open your eyes to the world of Autism and just how much there is still to learn about the Autism Spectrum and the people who have Autism.

There is a Facebook page for the movie, which is going nationwide in April. You have to see this movie!



  1. Tony, Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to see the movie!

  2. God bless your sweet little girl!
    Here's to educating the general public about autism!

  3. After reading through blurred tears - I know I'll make time for the movie. Great post, Tony. My eldest is on the Autism Spectrum - you have pulled at my heartstrings! Love when you share your serious side! :) Keep it coming!!!
