
Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

The ladies at the bookstore told us the way to Medium, Reverend Patricia Aubrey Carpenter’s home. What they didn’t tell us was that it was up and down hills, over dirt and gravel roads and around several bends. We passed places like Spirit Pond, Harmony Hall and Medicine Wheel Park. I somehow had the feeling we were entering Sleepy Hollow and half expected to see fairies or dwarves peeking out from behind the trees.

Finally we saw the lavender fence that Rev. Patti told me would identify her house.
We parked on a grassy knoll next to the house and walked up to the door. I have to admit I was a little nervous. My daughter rang the bell and the door opened. Standing there was the sweetest looking little lady with red hair and a warm smile. She introduces herself as Rev. Patti and invited us in.

The room was light and filled with interesting items. She invited us to sit and asked us to excuse her for a few moments as she still had someone with her. As we waited, we glanced around at the shiny ceramic cat my daughter nicknamed zebra cat, for its black and white (or was it white and black?) stripes. On a polished wall plaque, an adorable carved wooden raccoon scampered up a tree. There were magazines and pamphlets on Spiritualism and the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp and we both started reading.

It was only minutes before a young lady came out with Rev. Patti. She was thanking her, drying her tears and promising to remember what the Reverend had told her. OK, I was a little nervous again! We decided I would go in first. (One at a time so vibrations aren’t confused.) We sat down, some calming music started in the background, and then, we prayed.

After praying, Rev. Patti told me my mother was there. My mom died not too long ago and I was a little startled. She assured me that my mother was happy and still held a great bond of love with me. She would help me if I would ask. She told me my mom is often around me and had left me signs. I believe she’s right!  She also saw my dog, Boo. Boo wasn’t your average dog. He was a person disguised as a dog to me and I adored him. She described him as he was in life and said he loved me and was grateful for the wonderful life he had with me.

We went on to use Angel cards to see what important factors were affecting my life. I drew “Love”, “ Healing”, and “Birth”.  Basically, she said that I had a beautiful aura and was a healer myself. I had the ability to help others and this is a gift from God. She asked if people came to me often to talk to me and tell me their problems. (This is true.) She also said I always try to help them solve their problems.( Also true.) Then she said that someone in my life was draining me of my energy because no matter how hard I try to help him, he isn’t ready to be helped. His negative attitude and feeling of entitlement were sucking the life out of me and adding to my ill health. (WOW!)

A valuable piece of advice  Rev, Patti gave me was to pray often, smile and send positive energy to others, but avoid those who are negative and would steal my precious energy. She told me I would experience a loss in my life coming up, but it would lead me to making changes for the good. It would require a leap of faith, but I would be doing something outside my usual realm of existence, and it would make me very happy. 

There were many more messages, all positive and affirming. I have to say it was a very satisfying experience. My daughter learned a great deal during her session as well, but that’s a story for her to tell if she chooses.

I would love to visit again and perhaps take an educational workshop or class. In any case, my daughter and I had a wonderful adventure together and that alone made it well worth while.


  1. Sounds like a very positive and enlightening experience. Parts I and II were both very interesting!

  2. Aunt Marion, that sounds like an incredible experience! Thanks for sharing it.


  3. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed it. My friend is from Casadega and I hear wonderful stories about it all the time. Can't wait to go myself.

  4. Please fix the spelling Cassadaga is the correct spelling in both articles it is spelled incorrectly

  5. Believe it is all fixed now. Thank you for catching the typos in the headers and bringing it to our attention!
