
Monday, March 21, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

A Visit to the Psychic Capitol of the World – Cassadaga, Florida

Sometimes I’m filled with curiosity about new places and new beliefs. Such was the case when I decided to spend a day with my daughter checking out the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp near Lake Helen. The camp has a long and rich history of famous psychics (mediums) residents, teachers and healers. I decided to learn more about the history and visit a certified medium/healer myself.

The drive into Cassadaga is just beautiful. The trees reach out over both sides of the winding road forming a lovely tunnel to drive through. There’s a feeling of moving back in time as you round each bend, getting closer to the town’s center. Quaint houses, built around the 1920’s dot the area and many have shingles hung in front reading “Psychic Readings” or “Spiritual Counseling”. As you reach the center of town, you come upon the Cassadaga Hotel & Psychic Center with its welcoming porches and old time rockers looking out over bright purple bougainvillea vines, and a sign announcing “Reiki Healing”.  Inside one can find a gift gallery, lecture hall, séance room, scrying room, café and world renowned Psychic Mediums available each day. They also specialize in psychic parties if you’re interested! Of course, accommodations are available, and they advertise that earthbound spirits abound within their walls!

Across the street is the Book Store and Welcome Center. From the moment you walk in, your senses are enchanted by the most unique and calming scents and sights. Crystals, incense, gems and stones, and of course, shelves and shelves of intriguing books surround you. In the back of the store is a meeting room where many activities take place at different times, including “Aura Photos”. 

The town also boasts a museum, library, memorial temple, healing gazebo, and several gardens and parks for meditation and reflection. The activities calendar is packed with classes, workshops, orb tours, spirit walking tours and many spiritual and educational services, many of which are free and everyone is welcome. They even have an annual Masquerade Ball, Bingo and a Teddy Bear Drive each Christmas season for needy children!

You might be thinking about now, what about the witchcraft and spells? Well I’m happy to report that this is not part of the belief system of the Spiritualists at Cassadaga. They believe in God, Jesus, the Bible, and life after death. They strive to learn lessons in life to make them better souls. They believe that, through reincarnation, we have the opportunity to keep learning lessons to become more and more like the “Infinite Intelligence”, or God, the Creator. These beliefs may seem strange to many of us, but they are far from the spooky, sinister ideas many people have about Spiritualists. 

And now, to my experiences in my meeting with a certified Medium/Healer and ordained Spiritualist Minister……in Part II



  1. How could you cut it off right there? Can't wait to hear what the psychic had to say!

  2. Sounds like a cool place to visit!

  3. I wanna visit Cassadega - sounds very cool!
    Looking forward to part II!
