
Sunday, March 20, 2011

WANNA LAUGH?!?! ...The Late Show - Rated M for Mature

Tony Walker

My friend "Baldy" Ed is a manager at Shop Rite.

The other day Boyle walks into Shop Rite. She knows Ed too so she went over to say hi.
As they're talking Ed asks Boyle what she's shopping for.
"I'm here to pick up some bags of dog food," she says.
"I didn't know you got a dog," says Ed.
Boyle replies, "We didn't. It's for my husband. He likes the taste of dog food."
Ed says, "You know Boyle I hate to tell you your business but it's not really good for someone to eat dog food."
Boyle shrugs Ed off & says, "Oh it's nothing. If that's what he wants I have no problem with it."
Ed, not wanting to butt in, backs off. For the next 6 months Boyle would stop in once a week & grab her dog food.
One day she comes in crying.
"What's wrong Boyle?" Ed asks.
"Oh Ed it's awful. My husband died yesterday."
"Wow Boyle that's awful. But I have to tell you that I told you the dog food was no good for him."
"He didn't die from the dog food."
"Oh? What happened then?"
"He broke his neck trying to lick his balls!"

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