
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

WANNA LAUGH?!?! ...The Late Show - Rated M for Mature

Tony Walker

I went to a bar with my buddy Joe the other day. Joe got pretty drunk.

As it was getting close to leaving, Joe ran to the bathroom.

A few minutes later a loud blood curdling scream is heard coming from the bathroom.

A few minutes later another loud scream reverberated throughout the bar.

I ran to the bathroom to see what was the matter...
"Joe! What the hell is going on? You're freaking everybody out!"

"I'm just sitting here on the toilet & every time I flush something comes up & squeezes the hell out of my balls!"

So I look into Joe's stall....
"You moron. You're sitting on the mop bucket."



  1. I just got home and read this! It's been posted for 7 hours and not one person commented on this!! What's wrong with people? I got a good laugh over this :o) Thanks Tony

  2. cause they don't have any balls ;)
