
Saturday, March 26, 2011


Tony Walker

A young virgin gets married. Her & her new husband are too poor for a honeymoon or a house so they move in with her mother. The night of the wedding, they all return home. 
The new couple are getting into bed for the first time. Hubby takes off his shirt.

The bride runs downstairs to her mother who is doing the dishes. 
"Mama! Hubby is taking off his shirt!"

"Don't worry," replies Mama, "Go back upstairs. Your husband knows what to do."

She goes back upstairs. Hubby has taken off his pants. 

The bride runs downstairs. "Mama! He took off his pants!"

Mama, still doing the dishes, replies, "Don't worry. 
Go back upstairs. Your husband knows what to do."

She goes back upstairs. Hubby has taken off his underwear.

The bride runs downstairs. "Mama! He took off his underwear!"

Mama, still doing the dishes, replies, "Don't worry. 
Go back upstairs. Your husband knows what to do."

She goes back upstairs. Hubby has taken off his socks. 
Turns out he lost half of his right foot in the war. 

The bride runs downstairs.

"Mama! Hubby has a foot & a half!"

Mama says, "Here... you do the dishes. I'm going upstairs!!!"

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