
Monday, March 28, 2011



One night I was at a mortgage companies Christmas party. The room was full of amazing people and a lot of Realtors. At the time I was a recruiter and I scanned the room. In the corner of the room their was a girl. She had a smile on her face and she was full of energy. With all I have gone through in the past two years and the sense of spirit I had lost from my cancer diagnosis, I was drawn to her. She reminded me of myself. It  was an instant bond talking to her, I had a business .. She had a business .. I was in real estate, so was she. With the power of Facebook I have followed her since Christmas. We comment on each other's posts, I love reading hers. I can tell we are in the same worlds  - ALWAYS BUSY! What I have learned about her is that she is one amazing girl. It started off with her devotion to a little boy who is sick. He was collecting Band aids. All I saw was a devotion and drive for her  to collect as many band aids as possible. She had Band aids being sent from every possible location. It was truly amazing. I can go on about her posts and the dedication she has to various charities, but I think you get the picture.

Tonight I posted about me getting ready for all my doctor appointments this week, I try to act like I am only going to the dentist. It is scary to think after one doctor appointment you can find out you have cancer, and your life is changed !!! Well didn't surprise me in the least, knowing her character that within a second  I got an inbox asking, are you okay? How much those three words mean to me I can't express. In a world that is so closed and everyone is worried about putting themselves out there, here is a girl that didn't even have to think about it. So I say to you, you are one amazing person, your kindness, generosity, and love of Life touches so many people! I have a GREAT family, I have GREAT friends and I have GREAT inspirations on Facebook!


  1. Jenn, I'm so glad you have a person like that in your life. I hope you know we're all praying for good news for you! You're apretty incredible person yourself!

  2. What Marion said.

    I'll never forget that moment I found out I had cancer & how my life changed so dramatically at that moment.

    Real friends show their true colors at a time like that. Glad you have a good support system.

  3. Jen: Wow, I just read your blog - had no idea what you were talking about yesterday. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this week of dr apts! Hang in their, you have great spirit, you will do fine - I am sure!

  4. The girl I am writing about is Stephanie Calinoff !! Check out her business on facebook .

  5. Always embrace & thank those who inspire you! Very good post & lesson Jenn!
