
Friday, April 15, 2011


Dawn Boyle

Dawn Boyle as Dottie Thorton - Bottom Right
I am about to write about something I rarely speak of. In fact some of my newer closest friends may not even know this about me - here goes...

So last night I was informed that a part of my life is ending. The final and complete curtain call for the cast and show of the soap opera ALL MY CHILDREN. I gotta tell you, makes me a little sad.

I know some friends of mine are going to be shocked about me having any feelings about this at all but for some reason I am having a hard time with letting Pine Valley go. I literally grew up on set. I saw my "firsts of all first" in the dressing rooms. I experienced my first kiss backstage on Avenue of the America's. I got punched in the face on the dance floor at Studio 54 by a cast member who was so hopped up on coke at the Christmas Party they didn't even realize it.

Dawn Boyle; Bottom picture, last column on the right
I grew up fast in Pine Valley. I killed my father. I had epilepsy. I loved hanging out with Donna and Chuck and then Estelle and Benny, when my "Mother" Edna dumped me with them. I longed for an every lasting love with Charlie (Brian Lima) and could not stand Tad Martin (do not remember the originals name). It all ended for me in a hostage situation with another bad mistake my "Mother" made aka Ray Gardner.

My character returned a few years later, 10 years older and not looking ANYTHING like I did - ALL MY CHILDREN was very good to me. It gave me three day time awards and it made me who I am today. Will I be invited to the Series Ending Party...who knows - but for the record I am kicking it up a notch just in case...I will be ready for my close up!


  1. Just as pretty back then as you are today. Stan

  2. I knew you when you were on TV and I wanted to be you.

  3. Can I walk down the red carpet with you?
    Can we party all night long?
    Then can I escort you to this party too? LOL

  4. OMG!!! That is great Dawn!!! You should be proud of the accomplishments you made. Would love to see those episodes!

  5. Sarah Michelle PrinzeApril 15, 2011 at 11:27 AM

    That is amazing, although I dont see where you received 3 awards? Hmmm.... What awards did you receive?

    I dont think they'll be inviting you to the series ending party. I figured I would let you know this now, in case you had high hopes of being invited.

  6. Sarah Michelle AKA "we know who you are" -
    The awards that I won were called Soapy and Soap Box awards. In the 70's and early 80's that is what they presented actors and actresses on the soaps(the pictures on the post are actually of the awards). Don't want to date myself, but those days the awards were presented on the talk shows of Dinah Shore and Merv Griffin.

    No need to think you are bursting any bubbles here, me recalling a childhood memory and joking about a party is just that....and BTW - the show ending party is being held in September BUFFY!

  7. Holy Crap Dawn! What an amazing experience! i always knew you had STAR quality!!!! When can we see those episodes? :) Lauren xoxo

  8. Why is this Sarah Michelle being such a hater?

  9. Kim Richards (i supported my family)April 15, 2011 at 1:59 PM

    Sounds like you do want to date yourself. Go ahead, pat yourself on the back again. Cant wait for your next ME blog. "I rarely talk about this" lol
    Right! OMG responses... you got 'em. Well done soap star!

  10. Somebody sounds a little jealous of Dawn's childhood....

  11. I don't understand why your hometown on facebook isn't listed as Pine Valley? I'd soooo do it!!! As soon as I find a Sony Betamax I'll host a party at my house to view the tapes. Cocktails will be served of course.....

  12. Are you drinking again Kim?

    By me saying "date myself" I was referring to a period in time like the 70's and me being old.

  13. oh you're not old. im old!

  14. It is apparent you do not care for Dawn. Why do you read her blog? Find something more productive to do with yourself instead of writing such jealous comments about someone you do not know. Lisa C.

  15. Formally a Fan of MLCApril 15, 2011 at 3:54 PM

    Oh, he knows her.... and if he practiced what he once preached he'd use his name!

  16. Wow....look @ all the fun I miss while @ work
    Obviously people are upset they are no longer close with thing I've learned since meeting you is you are a very loyal friend who could only take so much crap people have to throw @ you.....glad you stopped taking it!!!

    I agree with Amanda we should have a viewing party!!

    love ya

  17. Thanks for everyone's positive comments and you know me...I am always down for a party :)

  18. I knew this little secret about you in HS and thought it was so awesome, and still do! What a fantastic experience, something that will always be a part of you, as it should be, you worked hard for it! I hope you get to experience the closing party!! Congrats!

  19. I can't stand when people say nasty things but are too scared to stand behind their own name.
    Dawn you should be proud of the work you did. Don't let certain people bring you down.
    Feel the love from the rest of us!!!

  20. We LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU, Dawn! Can you feel it?!?!?! Everyone in entitled to their opinion, even when wrong. HA! Having watched AMC for years and years until fairly recently - I think it's soooo cool! Boo Hoo to anyone that doesn't - it's your life, BE PROUD!!! xoxoox

  21. Hey guys sorry it took so long for me to comment again...I was busy writing another blog about ME & the weather!

    People saying nasty things doesn't affect me - it is actually something I have dealt with since I was very young. My father always says "there is an asshole in every crowd". Looks like we have one here at DRL that visits every few weeks, we welcome everyone and will always post their opinions and response to it is "CHA MOTHER F'N CHING" - your clicks are my cash :)

  22. OWN IT!
    And, laugh all the way to the bank... CHA CHING!

  23. To the idiot who is writing such things about you Dawn - he is such a DICK!

  24. Not sure about D*&k, I like to call it Karma.... :)
    Best of luck to em'!

  25. As a viewer since HS I felt such sadness when I heard the news that they were going off the air. As one of the cast members I can only imagine what it must feel like to you. Contact the producers and let them know you want in!! You deserve to be a part of the sendoff. You helped put the show on the map all those years ago. If that doesn't work out, Soap Opera Digest should do a follow up with you. Call them!! I'm sure there are plenty of viewers who would love to see you now!!
