
Sunday, April 3, 2011


Dawn Boyle

Last night I had the luxury of celebrating my Godmother's 50-something Birthday. I have a very close relationship with all of my Aunts and Uncles. My mother was the oldest of all of her siblings and when she got married at 19 her baby brother was 10. It has always been interesting having been looked upon as a "sister" rather then a niece by outsiders.

I remember when I was pregnant with Sarah, my mother and I were at Target. I must have said "Mom", the cashier turned and replied "Mom?" I said yes, she is my mother. "You look like you are older then her" said the cashier. Just what you want to hear when you are the size of an elephant and just turning 30.

Another aspect of this, I do have, is that my Grandmother is still with us. She is a whip. Drives to church every day and wouldn't miss a party for anything. I sat next to Grandma last night. She never has a bad thing to say about anyone. She would find the good in just about anybody... until last night.

We started talking about televisions shows. She spoke about how much she loves American Idol. She enjoys Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez, that this is the best season of the show by far. She asked me who I thought was going to win. I replied that I didn't watch American Idol. My 90 year old, church going Grandmother, mother of 7, Grandmother of 10, Great-Grandmother of 4 called me an idiot. I asked her, "Grandma, did you just call me an idiot?" She said "Dawn, it is the best show on TV, you are an idiot of you don't watch it." I said that at that time of night, I am usually getting kids in showers, fighting to get homework done or trying to make heads or tails out of the laundry room. It didn't matter. American Idol is the most wholesome show on TV.   Much better then the Jersey Shore fools I watch, I was told.  I wondered for a minute what I was missing? Was the entire world seeing something and I wasn't? She has me intrigued. I will tune in this week!

I think she might be onto something... Happy Birthday Aunt Betty!



  1. I think I'm in your ranks.... I have never watched it either...

  2. You are not an idiot! She just had a perfect Manhattan that's all! Let me know what you think of Idol??? Love your blog!!

  3. Happy Birthday to Aunt Betty!!!

  4. So funny Dawn. I don't watch American Idol or Glee! However, I love Celebrity Apprentice! Happy Birthday to Aunt Betty and I love your Grandmother!

  5. Thanks for the Birthday wishes for Betty! I will pass them on! I will be tuning into American Idol this week...look for my review!
