
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Little Ladies Dance

Dawn Boyle

Last night our elementary school had it's Little Ladies Dance. I was on the committee and had the luxury of being there. The fly on the wall to see what goes down when "Daddy" is out with the kids.

I have to be honest with you. The only reason why I joined this committee a few years ago was because I didn't think my husband would be able to handle it. A million thoughts rushed through my head. What would happen if she had to go to the bathroom. What if he lost her. What if she decided to eat a hot dog and he didn't cut it into little circles and then into smaller quarters. My own unwillingness to "let go" drove me to be one of a handful of "helper moms" that were not out doing a Moms Night Out while their husbands were with the kids at the dance.

Well I am hear to report back to all the mothers that feel the same way as I do....THEY CAN DO IT!

The first hour of the dance I took tickets. Surprisingly EVERY father had the tickets! I was situated directly outside the ladies room. The girls went in...the Dads stood guard at the door. I even saw a father hand his daughter a wet napkin to clean her face before her picture was taken.

Now I know what you are thinking...and yes, it was as shocking to me as well but it seems that Daddy does really take care of his little girl, almost as good as Mommy!

With this new found information, I am ready to book a girls weekend - No worries, he's got the kids!