
Friday, April 22, 2011


Over 40 Years of Protecting Health and the Environment
"In 1970, President Richard Nixon and Congress established the U.S. EPA in response to the growing public demand for cleaner water, air and land. EPA was tasked with the challenging goal of repairing the damage already done to the environment and to establish guidelines to help Americans in making a cleaner—and safer—environment a reality.

EPA’s Mission 
The mission of the Environmental Protection Agency is to protect human health and the environment. Since 1970, EPA has been working for a cleaner, healthier environment for the American people."    

Do you think the EPA does enough to carry our it's 'Mission"?  

What are your thoughts on the responsibilities of the government vs. that of the people?  

Do you take measures to reduce your carbon footprint?  Do you recycle, reduce and reuse? 

(Information Cited is from:

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