
Friday, April 1, 2011


As per AUTISM SPEAKS autism affects 1 in 110 children, 1 in 70 boys..odds are you are directly or indirectly affected by autism...

How have you been affected?

In addition to wearing blue, please SHINE A LIGHT today and share a snippet of hope and your story.

Here in the lounge a few of our family members are directly affected, follow the links below to their stories


  1. 3 of my close friends have chilren diagnosed with Autism. I remember when I was in high school I made friends with a girl who had a younger brother who was Autistic, though he wasn't diagnosed until much later. It was the first time I had ever encountered a special needs child. Now,the odds of having a child with Autism is SO much greater! We have to support research, programs, and services that will help these children and their families! I've found that without exception, the parents of Autistic kids are loving, caring,tireless advocates for their children and I respect and admire them greatly.

  2. Everyone should meet an advocate like I met in my friend Terry. She saved my sanity showed me how to find the good fight when it seems you have no fight left. She teaches with love, humor and empathy because she has lived it. People who o out of their way to help others are the heros of the world. She was my glimmer of hope when I was lost in the darkness. I hope I have honored her and gone on to show others the light....
