
Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Jillian B. Hart

Self gratification is the topic of conversation today at the Lounge... what's your take on this "juicy" deed?

Boys will be boys... do you play in that club? Laying back and focusing on your own pleasure without the pressure to "perform" might just be what the doctor ordered! 

The guys make no secret of their affection to this deed, why is it taboo to the ladies? Why is this not an un-guilty pleasure?!?!?

Ladies & Gentlemen talk to me...


  1. To quote Dawn.... "Crickets, nothing but damn, crickets!"

  2. In my opinion, if this act is something that one partner does all the time and is leaving the other out, then it may indicate a bigger problem....but sometimes one partner might just be exhausted from a long day, not feeling well, etc....i don't see anything wrong with it.....sometimes it can also be a part of a couple's intimacy.....I think the key is communication between two people......

  3. Oh, and thanks for killin' the crickets!!!

    Anyone else.....???
    CHIME IN, Please.........

  4. okay...I understand doing it with your partner - I was talking about walking in on that - YUK!

  5. ok hmmmmmm Jillan. Why is it taboo for the ladies. I don't .But you know us ladies don't need to make it known to the world as our male counter parts do , am I right? I do believe the male gender feel they need to make it known when there getting some or if excuse my expression not getting some hand having to use other means to blow off some tension or steam.

  6. I do it all the time!

  7. Jackie's got the power! ;)
    You go girl!!!

  8. Anytime Jillian....I hate hearing crickets :D

  9. Totally agree with Doris....communication is key
    and Patty I also agree with do make it known to the world and it becomes more of a specatacle rather than an intimate moment
    Why is it taboo for women....or is it?? An article in Women's Health said women who can't bring themselves to climax.. may have trouble with a partner......What do you think Jillian??

  10. Ah, soooo good to have you all "talking"! ;)

    TMF, I think you get a "shout out" in my next post! ;)
    you have definitely given me something to blog about - I WILL GO THERE! Stay tuned...
