
Thursday, April 7, 2011


Dawn Boyle

Today's Lunch Time Poll was at the request of a reader. She is pregnant and wants to know feelings on circumcision.

Recent Medical studies show that there is no medical necessity for circumcision. However, there are many people on the fence with this subject. I read that circumcisions started in the 1800 to stop masterbation, which was belived to cause disease. 

Did you have your son circumcised? Are there any males out there that are not circumcised that want to talk about how they feel about it? Do you feel that this is a form of genital mutilation? Is it a tradition that you honor or duty based on religious beliefs? As an adult do you wish your parents had chosen differently on your behalf and why?

Let us know!

Yesterday's LUNCH TIME POLL, with a Cyber Safety Topic went up later then usual...
 CLICK to read if you missed it


  1. My husband was not circumsized but we chose to have it done for our son. Circumcision helps prevent infections of the genitalia (balanoposthitis) and HIV in males. Also,during intercoure the foreskin can push back too far over the head of the penis and is excrusiatingly painful. More than once this put a dead stop on a passionate lovemaking session with my husband. Anesthesia should be used and it should be done by a licensed, reputable doctor.

  2. Thanks Dawn! Marijuana and circumsion! If I have a boy, I will not be getting him circumsized. They lose ten percent of their feeling down there. I find it barberic and bizzare.
