
Monday, April 11, 2011


Dawn & Barbara

Today's Lunch Time Poll is more of a "topic" then a "question"...

Can an innocent flirtation be healthy?

According to one law firm, over 20 percent of new divorce petitions contain references to Facebook.

Which is more forgivable an emotional affair, a sexual affair, or a one night stand?

Can a relationship truly recover from any of the above?

The new trend in some relationships seem to be steering bored or broken marriages, or long term relationships,  to be "open". Is it even a marriage anymore once that step has been taken?

How many people in this world of social networking have had this happen to them or a "friend"?
Care to share............  feel free to choose anonymous when commenting if you dare.


  1. so quiet on this post....things that make you go hmmmm!

    I will share my story first!
    I did fall victim to the facebook flirt...almost ruined my life - I think everything happens for a reason and have come to know that the GRASS IS NOT GREENER ANYWHERE!!! I appreciate what I have more then ever!

  2. Dawn, as someone who knows what you went through, I admire your honesty.
    I have had some problems with the Facebook flirting thing. Not to the extent of my marriage being threatened from it but problems just the same. That being said, I do think innocent flirtation is harmless whether on Facebook, in person, on the phone, etc. Anything that enhances excitement & happiness is a good thing.

  3. Isn't it just human nature. Let's be honest, don't we all (Men and Women) want to have a romp in the hay with an old flame every now and then. Or a new one for that matter (for all you cougers out there). Why is a woman a couger and a man - a dirty old guy? Emotional betrayal vs Physical - both are damaging and the result a deeper problem in one's relationship. Tell your significant other you want to have a threesome - lets all be honest, don't we all.

  4. Brooklyn you need to team up and start writing with Jillian!!!

  5. I think it is a terrible idea to become emotionally intimate with someone who is not your spouse. We all need friends, someone to talk to or cry with, but to become emotionally dependent on anyone you are not married to is just as bad as a sexual relationship as far as I'm concerned. My husband and I have watched as two separate families were destroyed after the wife became emotionally involved with another man. I would be crushed if my husband was sharing his deepest thoughts and feelings with another woman.
