
Thursday, April 14, 2011


Dawn Boyle

In light of the recent murders and abductions wherein victims were found on Craigslist, do you feel that Craigslist should be found liable by the courts in these crimes?

Who is monitoring that site?
Isn't prostitution and sex slavery illegal still in the GOOD OL' USA??

Weigh in with your opinions and comments today - we may have a class action law suit here for our attorney friends who read DRL!


  1. Your Kidding Right? Craigslist should be NOT held accountable, don't we have enough Governmental interaction in our lives... Stupidity paves the way for the introduction to the inside of a Hefty bag... Wake Up People, you all keep crying for big brother to protect your sorry asses he will be telling you how many TP sheets you can use on a Thursday...

  2. This whole situation is so sad, I don't believe Craigs list has any fault here but I sure wish they would really check out that Dr. that lives right near there!

  3. Only the killer, or killers and the hookers are responsible. Not Craigslist

  4. If they would only make it legal these girls would not get abused as much!...have Red Light districts & tax it all for revenue.

  5. I agree bad choices lead these poor victims to their unfortunate death, and I really don't want anyone telling me how many slices of Scotts I can use - but it seems to me that not allowing a personal section on Craigslist for anyone to connect in that manner would be a step in the right direction...JUST MY OPINION :)

  6. Please elaborate how Craigslist could be at fault??? Why dont we class action home depot for weapons found; An axe, duct tape, and rope. Oh and gargabe bags! Find out where they bought garbage bags, sue them too. Can we also sue the police departments and towns too? Class action... great idea! Who else shall we name responsible other than the sick individual-s who ACTUALLY did it???

  7. We are not suggesting any wrong doing from craigslist, only asking what your opinion is on the matter :) gheesh!
    But...since ya went there, I feel that it's really incredible that they still have guy looking for girl still up on the site. People there are legit dating sites out there, only trouble if you ask me...I have no need to get a massage or a date off craigslist.

  8. Craigs list should absolutely not let people advertise sex and definately needs to do a better job monitoring the site. That being said, I think it is bizzare that prostitution is not legal in this day and age. Those woman need protection big time. To me it is a service just like a Mechanic or Massage Therapist. It is the oldest profession and since it is illegal, they are an easy target for evil people.

  9. So now Craigslist isnt a legit site, ha ha ha.
    I find it incredible that you are finding them even partial blame here. You think they should take down "men seeking women" ads now. Maybe we should ban any men across the world seeking to meet a woman on the internet! Shut down match, eharmony, CL...
    Do you know just how many Muslim pilots we have in America? (it's a lot). Would you not board a plane knowing you had a Muslim pilot at the helm because a few were super evil on 9-11?
    Ponder what a wise man once said: "I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know." Let it seep.

  10. Stupid....did you read what I wrote? I said there are legit sites out there for dating...hmm, also not sure we are racially profiling talking bout Muslim pilots.

  11. I sure did. So it CL.

  12. CL tier 1 high security task force team member #3April 14, 2011 at 8:31 PM

    We are a legit site. We have happy couples meeting, and happy endings- everyday!

  13. Somebody say something about happy endings????

    Prostitution & marajuana becoming legal would bring this economy right back to where it should be.
    And I don't even smoke pot!!!

    I hope these bastards who did this doesn't ruin the beaches for us & I hope the families of these poor girls find peace. I felt sick when I read one of the victims was a 5 year old.

  14. Glad to say I just returned from Tobay - first boat ride to the basin and it was perfect! The kids were fine too...they asked a number of questions on the ride over, but when we arrived they jumped off the boat and ran to the swings. JUST LIKE RIDING A BIKE!

  15. Well that's good to hear Dawn. May I ask, were you a little apprehensive about going down there, considering the situation on our beaches? Were there many people out and about?

  16. there were plenty of people on the GSB...down at the boat basin there were a few boats. Closed at dusk - can't wait for SUMMER!
