
Monday, April 25, 2011




Today's Lunch Time Poll is more of a "topic" then a "question"...
Can an innocent flirtation be healthy?

According to one law firm, over 20 percent of new divorce petitions contain references to Facebook.

Which is more forgivable an emotional affair, a sexual affair, or a one night stand?

Can a relationship truly recover from any of the above?

The new trend in some relationships seem to be steering bored or broken marriages, or long term relationships,  to be "open". Is it even a marriage anymore once that step has been taken?

How many people in this world of social networking have had this happen to them or a "friend"?
Care to share............  feel free to choose anonymous when commenting if you dare.


  1. We've all heard the stories by now about this one meeting up with that one through Facebook. It sounds crazy but these stories pop up more & more. These Facebook stories has made me wonder about what's considered a traditional marriage. Maybe we got it all wrong???

  2. It happens easily if there is a void in the relationship. Affairs of any sort are symptoms of something that is already broken or or has a deficit.... rarely are they the isolated catalyst to an ending. As for Facebook, MHO, it's made reconnect options easier - but again, if you look, you'll find.

    I know, I'm "Lost in the Void" and now filling it up emotionally.....

  3. What ifs can be haunting...
    Easy to get lost in them as day dreams or in "social media reality". There are some you just may never stop dreaming about -

    As adults we have to make choices and realize the effects and fallout...

  4. I use to think that people could get over an affair. That was until I grew up enough and unfortunately went through it. I have met a few couples who are still together after enduring this situation, but they never truly get over it. When I went through this I tried with everything I had to get past it, but after he did it again I realized that I never got over it initially.

  5. Is a cheating infidelity or other trust problems any worse then financial ones or communication break downs or the other issues that decay a relationship?

    Is any of it forgivable? Can you recover from crossing a line? Depends a lot on if you wanted to recover even before you crossed it... Depends on if want to repair and rebuild - knowing it's never the same.
