
Saturday, April 23, 2011


Barbara Ward-Finneran

How many of us are being asked this very question this evening as we quiet our kids down for the night.  Or heard it all day long and or in the recent days gone past?

Easter Bunny questions certainly haven't rivaled the ones about Santa last Christmas.  But the fact that they are being asked at all, solidifies the knowing that there is doubt creeping into those maturing minds. Where have my "little boys gone?  Animated, electrical stuffed bunnies (Some were even scary! And, not just to the kids!) singing "Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail" are a thing of the past. Tonight I listened to the logical debate of my sons as to just what a little bunny could carry into each house.  I smiled as they reminisced about the year they got Batman & Robin costumes in their baskets, another when it was video games, still another with endless eggs filled with matchbox cars, and how almost every year new bathing suits. (Oh, oh!)  Amazing what they remember.  My heart goes out to that busy little bunny with so many memories to compete with from previous years!  Their giggle filled talk of memories faded and once again, "Mommy are you the Easter Bunny?"...

Listening to your children talk to you, and ask questions, from somewhere caught between the "innocence" and "growing up" can tighten your throat and well tears in your eyes.  With baited breath, most "answer" without giving more then is needed to be known.  Perhaps wondering if the answers you choose are "right".

I'm good with my answer.  It's almost verbatim what I told my boys at Christmas time...
It is the honest to goodness truth that I can look them in the eyes and say with absolutely no hesitation.

"I believe in the magic and miracles of Easter!"

There's just no questioning that, for me it is certainly a fact!

Good night my sweet boys, close your eyes and rest.... :)


  1. it goes too fast....HOPPY EASTER!

  2. Good answer and good parenting in my opinion!

  3. Thank you, C.B. and welcome to the lounge! It's very cool that you are looking around! Hope you'll stay and hang with all of us for a long while!!!
