
Sunday, April 3, 2011


Marion Pellicano Ambrose

“April showers bring May flowers.” How many times have you heard that saying? I’m
sure just about every year in elementary school at least one of the teaches had a bulletin
board with a big umbrella and flowers with this written across the top. It was a sign that
warm weather was just around the corner.

The way the weather has been this year, I’m beginning to wonder! Mother Nature played
a prank on the Northeast by sending a spring snowstorm early on April Fools Day! It’s
expected to leave New York, New Jersey, and parts of New England with up to a foot of
the white stuff. The news was worse for Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut
who were expecting cold rain and wet snow!

The only good news is for the ski lodges in the Poconos. The record breaking snow
caused the ski season to last longer than usual making it a bonus year for them.

Here in Florida, we were subjected to a few days of rain and severe thunder storms with
downed power lines, uprooted trees, streets littered with tree debris. Some areas even had
hail. Luckily, the storms are expected to clear out by the weekend.

So where ever you are, when you’re tired of the rain and snow, just keep looking forward
to the time, in the not too distant future, that we’ll have the beautiful, mild weather of
May. Hopefully the Cherry Blossoms, tulips, and the fragrant hyacinths will help us
forget the snowy, rainy, days we’ve endured!



  1. Part of me will always miss the unpredictable weather of the northern spring. Something to be said for watching life bloom everywhere after the long cold winter.

  2. No one ever said "April snowstorms" which is what we've been having! lol!
