
Monday, April 11, 2011


Tony Walker

My Son Survived His First Trip Without Mommy & Daddy.... Or Did He?

If you are unfortunate enough to read my blogs, you may have seen some where I talked about my son going on his first trip away from home without my wife or me. He's going on his first Boy Scout trip. Wow! This was a big deal in our household. Even our autistic 12 year old daughter was nervous about her brother being away from home on his own. So this past weekend was the big trip. 

When it was time to pick him up, I was so excited to see my boy. I knew he was ok but I had to see his face just to "offically" know he made it home safely. Once we spotted each other we ran to each other & hugged. It was almost a crying moment, especially since 10 minutes before I had to pick him up I received a call that an Uncle had passed. So I was emotional... happy to see my boy but sad about the news I just got. 

Before I told my son the news I asked him how his camping trip went. He loved it. This boy, who usually has no idea what he did in school all day, had all sorts of stories for me. He learned how to make some knots, they cooked, they learned how to put up a tent, etc. Wow! My son is an official Boy Scout now! He made it through the weekend! Wait.... what? You what? Who? The same story I usually get from school, scouts, play dates, etc.... My son got into some kind of fight with another Scout. Oy.

Then the email comes from his Troop later that day. "Mr. Walker, we'd like to talk to you about your son. When is a good time.... blah blah blah...." 

Because of the death in the family this week I haven't met with the Troop people yet to find out exactly what they wanna discuss. So until I do that, the jury is still out on whether my son passed the test of being away for the first time. Wish me luck.... I take that back.... Wish HIM luck if the report I get from the Troop is bad he's going to need some luck!!

1 comment:

  1. The joys of parenthood! Good luck to both of you Tony!
