
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

SHE SAID... Jillian B. Hart

Jillian B. Hart

HMMM, where shall I begin?!  First off, thanks for the plug in your HE SAID, Tony.  I think.
Nah, definitely a compliment of sorts, especially considering the source.  Perhaps even high praise... LOL!

Dawn, Dawn, Dawn, what are you thinking?!  Even if you are wondering, "What Head Are You Thinking With?!", as you stated in your SHE SAID, you need not to let on!  Give a guy some dignity!

We all know the guys make no secret of their affection to this deed, so ladies, why fight against it?  Why not incorporate it into your intimacy?  Or at least let him in his! And, if that's out of the question, certainly don't make a waves, that ship is sailing whether you wave goodbye to it from the dock or not.  Asking a man not to indulge in self gratification is going to be about as effective as asking him not to breath.  At the very least he needs approval to hang at the boat house. That said, a good Captain knows to swab the deck and leave the place spic & span.

If there is one thing men don't feel they get enough of it's SEX.  Some women don't have the energy, want, desire, or need to keep up with their lovers supply, of libido, and demand, for sex. (Why, I don't know! But that's another blog!) Yet, they discourage their man from taking matters into their own hands. I don't get it!!!

What you control yourself can have a multitude of thrilling and erotic sensations.  Mastery of this sort, can only bring it to the next level.  One gets to focus only on their own pleasure without any pressure to perform or please for another.  In the case of watching... in the right setting, with all parties on board, what could be more exciting then --- watching your mate in the throes of ecstasy?  No one should feel bad or guilty.  Ladies, you have to release the "ick" factor you may long to hold onto - because it's an easy out. It's HEALTHY and NORMAL.  Men are going to do it!  If your guy isn't doing it, I tend to think that's more of a reason to warrant concern.

I've said it before, want a happy man, MEN WANT MORE SEX.... it's really that simple!
So find a way to accept, coexsist, or plan to give it up more.  He's gonna get off... one way or another - might as well be with your "blessing".

Then, my suggestion... If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! (Try it, you might like it!)... and that my friends (especially you TMF) leaves me to blog on this topic of UN-GUILTY PLEASURE another day!!! ;)



  1. A few men in my life have said 90% of men do it and the other 10% lie about it.....guess that 10% are with women who frown upon it.....I wonder what the % of women who do and who lie about it are?

    Great blog my friend!!!

  2. The guy in your life must be a happy, happy man! Thanks for reminding the women out there that SEX IS GOOD - in any way, shape or form! Keep it "coming", Jillian!

  3. All women do it, just like men. All women! Yes ladies, you know you do it, so stop pretending that it's soo taboo. And getting on your man or looking at him in disgust?? How hypocritical!

  4. Love the way you tell it like it is... or at least how you see that it is! Speak your mind, Jill - You go girl!

  5. TMF... Totally agree!

    My Guess Is... I'd like to think so!

    Anonymous... again, agreed!

    Barbara... there's no other way to play in my book! ;)

  6. I think all you women out there need to get a good romp in with yourselves. Go ahead and masterbate. There I said. Get it on with yourself and really explore. Find out what you really like. Then armed with that knowledge, let your partner know. Have him or her watch and learn. This will lead to a wild time indeed.

  7. My point, exactly, Brooklyn! Couldn't of said it better myself... Bravo!

  8. Jillian I am not sure I understand what Brooklyn is saying... can you show me?
