
Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Dawn Boyle

I am not sure where it goes. Could it be aging? Could it be that I am so exhausted from not sleeping since 2001. I am not sure, but I am ready for Pfizer to make a little "PINK PILL" similar to their little "BLUE PILL".

It does bother me that my sex drive is low. Even more so since having surgery this past fall. Maybe it's something that just needs a little more attention to reawaken. Date night would be awesome, but to be honest with you my husband never surprises me with that and I get shot down with lack of funds when I throw it out there. Who knows, peaks and valleys seems to be the norm when I speak to my friends.
You wanted me to share my craziest? I care to share what I wanted to be my sexiest that turned into my funniest.

When Greg and I were dating he lived in a giant house with a few other guys. This house was party central on the weekends but strictly business during the week. I rarely stayed over Monday through Thursday. Greg got up (and still does) at 4:00AM for work. He was sleeping by 9:00 the latest during the week. One night I decided to get dressed up and surprise him. I went the whole nine yards, garter belt, with matching bra and undies with thigh high stockings on, in high heels with a raincoat over it.

I left my house for the twenty minute drive with a nervous stomach. As I was just about to exit the Southern State Parkway I was pulled over by a New York State Trooper. I almost died. By the time I got out of the ticket and realized I was not going to jail looking like a "working girl" the giggles kicked in. I rang the bell at Greg's and my embarrassment was to overwhelming for what was to be my "stripper act". It didn't matter to him, he liked the outfit anyway.

So in closing...I guess it would be easy to get me back into garter belts and raincoats if I was wooed by a surprise date night. I am talking about a major Richter scale earth movement if a babysitter was secured, reservations made and all I had to do was get ready (ALONE). I read on webMD that 99% of all female related sexual dysfunction is emotional charged. A bet some unsolicited random acts of non-sexual attention would work wonders for the 99% of "US" women out there.


  1. Newest follower of your blog from the get connected blog hop. Look forward to reading your blog, have a good week!

  2. The best thing to up your libido is to look good and feel good! Ladies... play the part - dump the sweats, forget the ponytail and at the very least grab some eyeliner and gloss! Gentlemen help your lady out! Comment when she's lookin' HOT!

  3. Surprise!!
    It's date night for you & me!!

    By the way Boyle... I love you.

  4. Hope there's a date night in your future - it appears the secret to your "Hart's" desires has been spelt out! (Sorry Jill - couldn't resist - when you didn't go there - had to!)

  5. @ Frugal...Hope you enjoy! We will check out yours!

    @ Tony...<3 U

    @ JILL & BARB...fingers are crossed

  6. Maybe take a business trip to Boston or a cab ride in NYC. That may kick those blues?

  7. Hey Brooklyn - where you been?! Good to see you're back! LOL, love your comment! ;)
