
Friday, April 1, 2011


Day 9

Today was spent in the house cleaning and working on the blog with Barbara....there was ZERO exercise. Maybe if Mother Nature would throw me a bone and it wasn't so crappy out all the time I would feel a little bit better! I need Vitamin D. I need Summer. I need to trade in the mini van.....

Breakfast -
4 jelly munchkins (yeah...that's right and I would've had more if I felt better)
xtra large decaf with skim milk and splenda

Lunch -
1 1.2 slices of pizza

Snack -
1 cup if a cup is a bowl of cheeze itz
TLC Peanut Chew bar

Dinner -
Egg Drop Soup
Vegetable Egg Roll

Tomorrow is another day...didn't get on the scale today...I am waiting til Monday


  1. Oh boy.......! How many weeks left till Memorial Day?

  2. Ok Dawn stop with the crazy diet. Try thinking about your food choices instead and target a calorie range. That way when you miss out on exercise you cut back a little on your calorie intake. Work more on eating fresh instead of processed food. Not only will you feel better, but you will make weight loss less traumatic to your body.

    Not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but I was raised by a weight conscious professional ballerina.

  3. Radical is getting you no where fast. Everything in moderation. Healthy choices and get moving - it works if you wrk it!
