
Monday, April 25, 2011



Dawn Boyle

With oil reaching over $100 a barrel on the Stock Exchange from the turmoil in the Middle East, I wonder why the top news story is about Charlie Sheen having custody taken away of his twin boys and Christina Aguilera drunk in public. I am all about train wreck TV, but we are in SERIOUS TROUBLE!

If we don't make something happen, and soon, we will be in worse shape then this recession and horrible housing market already is. The jobless rate will soar higher. Why isn't our government stopping this from happening? What can be done?

I saw on ABC this morning that if every family made a conscious choice to only BUY AMERICAN and spend a mere $65 that we would be ahead by 200,000 jobs. Could that be possible?
It seems to me that we need to get back to basics. ONLY buy what we make. Bring back the pride of being American. SHAKE IT UP OUT THERE!!!! WE NEED ACTION NOW!!!

What should we do? What can we do? What MUST WE DO???
We must do something, or this ship will sink.  What's your evacuation plan? Thoughts? Actions? Do share.......


  1. I could not agree more (and you know how I love my train wreck tv!!). Sticker shock at the pump today :(

  2. Met you at hoping and am now your newest follower,hope you follow me back and i look forward in reading your posts.thanks.
