
Friday, April 8, 2011

Jillian B. Hart

In the forty-something (and above) world the term "COUGAR" does not conjure images of a wild, dangerous, predatory animal of the jungle.  Rather it stirs thoughts of smart, beautiful, confident , independent, women who prefer the company of younger men, their cubs.   Cougars know what they want and are not afraid to admit it out loud.  They are "stereotypically" considered to be a bit wild and definitely sexy. Think Madonna, Demi Moore, Sharon Stone and Kim Cattrall.  "Mature" attractive women who have their life totally put together and wrapped with a bow of self assurance and excitement.

Who wouldn't want to be labeled a Cougar? Much like "complementary"MILF term relates to the mommy-ing (and usually married) counter parts of the female gender. Men think they are HOT!  Although some may not admit it, most would love to be, long to be, classified as such.  Would you dare to be one?  Entertain it even if only for an evening or "one night stand"? Long term? Would you purr in that jungle if opportunity knocked?

Recently while out with some gal pals enjoying the band and taking in the "sights" two younger gentlemen (Boys would be more descriptive as the handsome twosome looked scarcely old enough to have the ink dry on their master's degrees!) at the bar struck up a conversation with my group.   Shortly thereafter, although this cub had his sites set on one particular siren of the group, the offer was made to buy a round of shots for all. (Strikingly handsome and generous.) The ladies were pleased with the benevolent offer.  (Just as when you are 20-something, the ultimate coup on an evening out is to not pay for drinks!) The "What are you having?" was quickly answered with, "Sex on the Beach".  The mood was set.  Drinks that followed included (but, not limited to),  "Slow Comfortable Screw", Bacardi and Red Bull, and Dirty Pirate Hookers. (The last two of which I had never before had, and mind you were quite nice!) Chit chat and innuendos ran rampant between the now know to be 30 year olds and the feisty foursome.   Two of the group took it to the next level. Flirting. Kissing. Arousing the rest of the crowd.

By 2AM it was obvious the intent of the couple was to complete this evening elsewhere.   Illustrating how Sex on the Beach shots can lead to a practical bar stool "orgy" that would assumably end with anything but a "Slow Comfortable Screw". Sex with a stranger.  A one night stand.  A beginning of a long walk through "Cougar-Town". It would be WILD, DANGEROUS, and ANIMAL instinctive!  

After that evening's walk on the cougar side I am now convinced there is not as much difference between the definition of that wild cat named cougar and the sexy vixen of the human species.

As for how the twosome completed the evening - I'll never "tell" --- but perhaps it will one day be a tale spun to the tune of Hart's Desire. ;)


  1. I think I have a bit of the Cougar in me as well as the Milf. I find Men of all ages attractive and fun.

  2. Sounds like a fun night out.....especially for your friend
    but please don't use her as a muse for another story 'til we find out about the couple in the cab and the couple in Boston who have been standing out in the rain for weeks!!! lol!!!

  3. on the beach? Slow comfortable screw? That just brought me back to 91' and I was at Gil & Ernies :) Sounds like you guys in Florida can rock it just like we do in NY!

  4. Jackie - Shouldn't we all, shouldn't we all! ;)

    A NY girl at "Hart", can always rock it, Dawn!
    LOL.... ah the memories, run the gamut - of clubbing in NYC in my college days - GOOD TIMES! Of course there was no "Red Bull" then.

    TMF...... I keep my promises - expanded escapades before a new one! Very soon my dear!

  5. A little walking on the wild side is good for all of us from time to time! Grrrrrrr!

  6. Exercise you inner siren whenever possible in the ways that work for you! Great post on a timely topic, Ms. Hart!

  7. We should all keep in touch with our inner wild side and be certain to let it out to play! Not for anyone else - but rather, for how it makes you feel about yourself! Sexy is often as much about the vibes you give off as it s about the clothes you have on. If you want to look it, feel it!
