
Thursday, April 14, 2011


Tony Walker
A boy lives on a farm. Before school he has to go outside & feed the animals. This one day he didn't sleep good so he is in a bad mood.
As he feeds the pigs he is in such a bad mood that he kicks one of the pigs.
His mother is watching through the window.
The boy comes in the house & the mother says, "I saw what you did. For kicking the pig you get no bacon with your breakfast."
That afternoon the boys comes home from a bad day at school. As he is walking up the driveway he sees one of the cows. He goes over to the cow & kicks it.
His mother is watching through the window.
The boy comes in the house & the mother says, "I saw what you did. For kicking the cow you get no milk."
Later that day daddy comes from a bad day at work.
As he is walking up the driveway a cat crosses his path. Daddy kicks the cat.
The boy & his mother are watching through the window.
The boy says to his mother, "Are you gonna tell him or should I?"

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