
Saturday, April 9, 2011


Tony Walker

April 9, 2011 is a big day for Drop Dead Comedy. We're a traveling group.... we've been all over NJ, parts of upstate NY, parts of Conn, of course all over Long Island, etc.  But on April 9, 2011 Drop Dead Comedy is going on our first road trip where we have to stay the night & come back the next morning!  

This may sound like no big deal to some, but if you are a small business owner you know what a plateau this is to reach. We've been busting our butts for almost 10 years in an attempt to make this business a success. By having to travel to a place so far that we have to stay the night we feel like a hit a new level.

Whenever we're asked how far we'll travel we always say, "As long as they'll pay we'll go." Well an organization in New Hampshire is paying so we're going.

So the day has come & we are psyched. Should be a great time.

Meanwhile, an air force base in Delaware may have us entertain the Troops during the Holiday season. Another road trip in the midst! How cool would it be to put on a comedy show for some Troops?? We're like Bob Hope!!! 

Drop Dead Comedy is on our way to being an international force!!! Look out world, here we come!!!  Should make for good blogging next week...  Wish us luck!

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