
Monday, May 16, 2011


Barbara Ward-Finneran

If it was just another Monday and I was going to rant this morning, it more then likely would have been about how my "life gets in the way" has combined with "writers block" has left me behind the scenes at DRL for days and days now....

I am a glass full kind of girl - but everyone spills the milk and gets overwhelmed occasionally.  Lately - it's happened more then I like to admit.  However, recent events have reminded me not to sweat the small stuff.  In the scheme of things - not getting to cross things off my to do list, not finishing those projects around the house, not paying bills on time, not getting time to work and write, not getting pounds off, etc., etc., just doesn't matter.

Life can change in an instant.  FOREVER!  Completely beyond your control and leave you forever, NEVER THE SAME.  

This week I will attend funeral services for a former student of mine whose warm smile graced my classroom for years.  Her family has suffered an incomprehensible loss.  Everything that they have ever known and dreamed has been changed for them in an inexplicable moment.  A 17 years young, vibrant, athletic, talented, beautiful, girl has gone to be with our Lord.  All the potential that was to be hers has now transformed to angel wings.  Her flight to heaven leaves broken hearts in it's path.

Rants could roll off my tongue about the unjust way "bad things happen to good people" or how the tragedy of this angers me to tears and beyond words. Those things must be felt. Yet none of that negative energy changes a thing. Kids aren't supposed to die!  It just not the way its supposed to be, or happen.  Yet it does.  In today's world - all too often.  My heart aches at the thought of the unfathomable days of pain and grief ahead for her family.  For any family walking a similar journey.

During a "dark" time, a very wise friend once told me, "You cannot look for sense, where there isn't any". There is great truth in those words and I have often called them to my mind during difficult times.  Some things are not for us to understand, while we walk this earth.  We wish for there to be a greater picture that amidst our sorrow we cannot grasp.  Although we do not have understanding - most of us are however blessed to have faith, hope, love and prayer.

So my anti-rant is to embrace those things and all the blessings in your life.  All the small things we take for granted.  Count your blessings and find an attitude of gratitude.  Remind someone that you love them.  Say it out loud.  Hug your kids tighter and longer.  Play that extra game without a sigh or complaint.  Hold fast to your faith.  It is believing when it is beyond the power and reason to believe.  It does not fix everything or make it easy.  Life can make you question your faith  - but chain it to your soul as faith bridges hope.  A feeling of expectation and desire for things to happen.  Hold fast to hope as the future is borne of it.  Pray.  When there are no words there are prayers.  When words fail, our silent thoughts speak volumes. When you cannot find your voice, know every drop of your tears are translated.  There is no greater gift then prayer - and often life challenges us to recognize that at times there is nothing else that you can do or give.

Life is short.  One never knows when the life you know may cease to exist.  Waste not your thoughts on the past - it time has gone.  Worry not for the future - it is unknown.  All we have is right now.  It's all we ever have had and all you can completely count on.

Make the most of your now! Be kinder.  Love greatly and unconditionally. Give more then you are asked to give.  Do some small kindness that might just mean everything to someone.  Hold hands. Dress up. Use the good dishes. Color with a new box of crayons.  Smell the flowers. Scribble outside the lines.  Think out of the box.  Walk on the beach. Play the radio loud and dance in the seat of your car.  Forgive.  Make that phone call. Sing at the top of your lungs.  Smile.  Look at the world. Use a kind heart. Speak words laced with encouragement and love.  Do something fun.  Don't fear mistakes, let them happen.  Don't chase, but rather, create your dreams.  Dare to consider the impossible.  Keep the promises that you make to yourself!


  1. Barbara
    So sorry about your student. Very sad.

  2. Barb, Your beautiful words have helped me with my own grief over the loss of our much loved,former student. The thought of her unexpressed potential forming angel wings has touched my heart! Outstanding post! Thank you!

  3. As I sit in the doctors office waiting for my oldest to be seen I was able to actually read this. It seems that too many have been taken lately.
    My prayers are with the Williams family who list their son Kyle, my friend Erin who lost her Dad last night and of course with you and everyone affected by your former students passing.

  4. Thanks for putting everything back in perspective for me today. "So what", someone stole my husband's wallet and I have to cancel everything. I guess the guy needed the money more than us. I get to pick my beautiful girls up from school in a few minutes. An extra long hug will be given to each:) So sorry for your loss.

  5. Some days it's all we can do to breathe and pray! Heartfelt thoughts & prayers to all who walk a journey of loss.
