
Monday, May 9, 2011


In the Studio with Garyo - Day Two

If you haven't tuned in on Day One. Recently Green Whisker Works, my NY-Based studio, had a contest on FaceBook. The contest was simple, go on the Green Whisker Works page do the "like" thing and then post a picture of your pet. After the deadline, I put everyone's name that posted in a hat a randomly pulled out one lucky winner. The winner was Brenda Dungan Edmonds and her little dog Nacho. So she sent me lots of wonderful pictures of this cute little guy and I set to work on immortalizing him.
Nacho's progress today is a bit more subtle than what I did on day one. Here I'm working on the forehead and eyes, tightening up the structure of the Chihuahua. Nacho is proving a bit challenging because his fur is so light it is sometime hard to see the different planes in his face.
Here I am working on improving his snout and muzzle. Nacho has a wonderful doggie smile that I want to capture. A dog's nose I find is much like a finger print in that no two are the same. So I work on getting just the right shape for the nose.

  More eye work again. Starting to get more detailed with the eyelid shape. I try to move on from spending too much time on one thing and loose overall focus. So I will work a little on something and then come back for another pass from time to time. I find this helps resolve the piece better over time.

Day Two of Nacho's progress this time a profile shot. I feel the clay is starting to look more like him now and should be able to move on to details and fur at some point on Day Three

1 comment:

  1. Gary is doing great. He is really capturing Nacho's likeness and I can't wait to see the final product.
