
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Casey Anthony Trial, A Soap Opera in the Making

Marion Pellicano Ambrose
Well, the first week of the Casey Anthony trial was like the first season of a bad soap opera!  Actually, the soap began with jury selection!  I couldn’t believe the ridiculous things perspective jurors were saying to get out of serving! Then when the actual trial began it was even more of the ridiculous!
Ridiculous thing #1: (defense)   Caylee was never really missing, she drown in the family pool and Casey was in denial due to years of abuse from her father, George Anthony.  Friends of Casey testified that they saw no change whatsoever in her demeanor or behavior after June 16th, 2008 (supposed date of the drowning). Her boyfriend also testified that nothing seemed wrong at all. Does this seem like someone who learned her baby drowned?  Oddly enough, she never mentioned Caylee except to lie about her whereabouts when anyone asked.
Ridiculous thing #2: George Anthony and the manager of the wrecker service that towed Casey’s car both testified that they noticed a “Stench” that emanated from the car and was the unmistakable smell of a dead body, yet neither called the police to investigate. What’s up with that, especially since Anthony was a detective and knew the proper procedure for investigating a possible crime scene!
Ridiculous thing #3: Judge Belvin Perry sided with the defense and did not allow jurors to see a sexually charged instant-message conversation between Casey Anthony and boyfriend, Anthony Lazzaro. The Prosecution claimed that the message revealed the motive for killing Caylee, which was supposedly to be free of the responsibilities of motherhood in order to be with her boyfriend. Why on earth would you not allow this to be seen by the jury! Clearly, Casey was more interested in being with her boyfriend than in being with Caylee! It seems to me that the conversation was extremely relevant to the case!
Ridiculous thing #4: Casey made up the fact that she had a job, dressed for “work” each day, sent herself emails from “work”, made up a nanny, and lied through her teeth on many documented occasions, yet the defense expects us to believe that now she’s telling the truth! Well, I’m sorry, but habitual liars rarely change their stripes. There is something seriously wrong with this woman and the jury cannot overlook her past behaviors because the defense wants them to!

There are so many more points to comment on, but I think I’ll wait and see what week two brings to light! So here’s to the upcoming second season of “The Casey Anthony Trial “. It will be interesting to see who gets nominated for a Daytime Emmy!
***Please note that this post reflects my personal opinions and not necessarily those of DRL.


  1. This was for you Patty!

  2. totally agree but all they have to do is get the jury to have reasonable doubt and she is a free woman. she is so guilty and her parents have been though hell.

  3. All I have to say is why would you put tape over the mouth of a child who drowned? If the jury lets her walk it would be a tragedy!
