
Thursday, May 19, 2011


Jenn Copp

What are the odds I would be working for a group buying site called Grublife Metro? I am a girl that is all about finding new places and trying new restaurants. Up until two years ago money was no object, I would head out with credit card in hand and come home at night with tons of pictures, a satisfied stomach and tons of laughs.

Life is different now, I am starting a business, single, three kids, responsibilities and still crave the desire to roam. So here I am wanting to do everything I am used to yet trying to watch my budget. Then along comes my daily Grublife Metro email. It is like a dream come true. Can I really jump in the car and head to a fabulous restaurant, Get my hair done, bring my kids to laser tag all at least 50% off !!! Yes, I can!!

It is such a great concept. I am still able to try new things. My kids all have no idea that things are different financially. I just shop smarter. Yes we will still frequent a place without a deal if I really like it, but the deals definitely help. They take us from going out to dinner only once a week to going out to dinner maybe 3 times a week. So as I am building my career and my businesses and I hope soon to be back on track. I hope to say to my children .. " Kids where do you want to go this weekend " and really be able to say .. Let's go!!! I know even when I have money, I will still enjoy getting my deals in my email. I will still buy them because they get me to try new places and new restaurants. It is like a ticket in hand that offers me a new experience!! I love that!!! So the next time you think of going out. Look for one of our deals and give it a try, visit a restaurant you never tried before. You too will love it!!

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